Premium Essay

2008 Beijing Olympic Games


Submitted By Candice1000
Words 988
Pages 4
Olympic slogan
Slogan of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
- One World, One Dream (One World One Dream), embodies the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit - unity, friendship, progress, harmony, participation and dreams, to express the world inspired by the Olympic spirit, pursuit of common aspirations for a better future. Although human beings of a different color, different languages, different races, but we share the charm and joy of the Olympic, the common pursuit of "the ideal of peace, we belong to a world, we have the same hopes and dreams.
"One World One Dream" (One World One Dream), a profound reflection of the core concept of the Beijing Olympic Games, reflecting as a "Green Olympics, Scientific Olympics and Humanity Olympics" the core of the three concepts of the human soul, the harmony inherent in the Olympic Games of values. Building a harmonious society and achieving harmonious development is our dream. "Heaven" and "harmony" is the Chinese people since ancient times, man and nature, the ideal of a harmonious relationship between human beings and the pursuit. We believe: peace and progress, harmonious development, harmony, cooperation and win-win and the good life is the common ideal of the world.
"One World One Dream" (One World One Dream), the text concise deep, is of China, the world's. Slogan expressed the Beijing people and the Chinese people and peoples of the world there are beautiful homes, share the fruits of civilization, the lofty ideals to work together in the future; expression has five thousand years of a civilization, is a big step toward modernization of the great nation committed to peace and development, social harmony, and happiness of the people's firm belief; expression of the 1.3 billion Chinese people for the establishment of a peaceful and better world to contribute to the voice.
English slogan "One World

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