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23 Things


Submitted By anim1980
Words 86029
Pages 345
23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism HA-JOON CHANG

Department of Economics,
Cambridge University

23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism



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ISBN: 978-0-141-95786-9

To Hee-Jeong, Yuna, and Jin-Gyu

7 Ways to Read 23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism

Way 1. If you are not even sure what capitalism is, read: Things 1, 2, 5, 8, 13, 16, 19, 20, and 22

Way 2. If you think politics is a waste of

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Impact of the Internet on Tourism and charitable donation]" (2 Corinthians 9:8). he vision of every parent is for their children to be greater than themselves. The trouble, however, is that a lot of parents don’t know where they missed it, so they also advice their children to do the same things they did that didn’t work. I am anointed of God to show you the right things to do so you won’t experience the same limitations those before you had. You don’t go to school so you would get a job and be rich. That has never worked for anybody. You go to school so you can learn, become intelligent and enlightened, and know how to get more knowledge that will make you a blessing and a helper in your world. But it’s not the academic knowledge you acquire in school that will make you rich; what will put you over and above the general class is your decision to be a lifter and a giver, not a taker. Whatever you do, be the best at it. If you render services, do better than what they pay you for. That way, you’ll be on your way to being very rich. Stop looking for a job that will pay you more. Stop looking for how to get from others. Recognize that inside you has been deposited something that the rest of the world doesn’t have. And until you locate that thing, build on it and give it out to help others, you’ll never get to the topmost class, because that class is reserved for those who are willing and ready to be helpers. The poor cannot help the poor; only the rich can. It’s better to be rich than to be poor. Therefore...

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