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8th Amendment Controversy

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Controversy over the eighth amendment has been a major topic of debate for many years across the United States. The eighth amendment reads, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted” (Cornell University Law School). Under the eighth amendment is the clause that focuses on the infliction of cruel and unusual punishment, which is one of the most controversial clauses of the United Stated Constitution in today’s debates. There are those who advocate for the death penalty and those who oppose it, arguing that it constitutes as cruel and unusual punishment. With that being said, this paper will discuss the constitutionality of the death penalty.
Controversy over the death penalty in the U.S. Supreme Court can be traced back to 1879 with Wilkerson v. Utah, which stated that the Utah territorial statue of execution by firing squad was not cruel and unusual punishment under the eighth amendment of the U.S. constitution. (Wikipedia: Wilkerson v. Utah)
In 1972, the United States Supreme Court struck down capital punishment, reducing all death …show more content…
Rees in 2008 argued that the Kentucky execution by lethal injection would violate the eighth amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. Ralph Baze and Thomas Bowling argued that the lethal chemicals used by Kentucky allowed for unnecessary risk of inflicting pain during execution. This case would come to have nationwide implications due to the commonly used “cocktail” for lethal injections across all states. After being granted certiorari by the Supreme Court, there was another moratorium effective on all executions in the United States pending their decision. By a 7-2 vote, the Supreme Court upheld Kentucky’s lethal injection methods, ruling the death penalty as constitutional in the United States, thus lifting the moratorium on all state pending death sentences. (Wikipedia Baze v. Rees; Cornell University Law

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