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A Modest Proposal

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I really enjoyed reading "Where there's a will, there's a way". It really made me think about what the article was trying to say. The article was written by Anna Harrington, she talked about the importance of good mental health at work. In so many words, I felt like this was preaching or talking to me. I am going to share with you some of the key points that stuck out to me. Working as a Pre-K teaching assistant at an elementary school can be tough. One it can be very emotionally draining, with the standards and all. We have to answer to the State, the School District, the Pre-K office as well as the Porter-Leath Headstart program. Next, my point that stuck out to me was being "Spiritual". I could not make it without the Lord on

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A Modest Proposal

...Assignment 1: “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift In “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift, the surprise ending happens when the author indicates that he believes that the young children of Ireland should be fed until they are plump and sold to the wealthy in order to feed them. He states that this would solve the economic and social difficulties that Ireland has faced for so many years. It would also rid the country of the massive number of children that are not being properly cared for. Swift states that Ireland has been enduring significant problems for many years. This has forced people around the country to speculate on solutions, some of which have seemed fairly extreme and complex. The surprise of this story comes at the end and follows a lengthy and highly rational argument in favor of making some radical changes to the country. Swift says that he has realized after going through many of these complicated solutions that the best one was the simplest. This represents a major surprise for the reader, who would have no way of anticipating such an insane solution after a very rational and logical argument. While I was reading I wondered if there was going to be a sudden switch in tone, but I had no way of recognizing that it would be so dramatic. I knew that there was probably an important reason that this text is so important. While reading through the carefully crafted argument that comprises most of the essay, I believed that there would probably be some sort of...

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Modest Proposal

...A Modest Proposal was a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift depicting the horrific conditions of Ireland and the lives of the Irish people in 1729. Swift writes the satire disguised as a social planner of the time who as Swift satirizes were known to be overly rational rather than compassionate. The author portrays and attacks the cruel and unjust oppression of Ireland by its oppressor, the mighty English and ridicules the Irish people at the same time. However, Swift's opposition is indirectly presented. Jonathan Swift is able to do so by using the persona, irony, and wit in order to expose the remarkable corruption and degradation of the Irish people, and at the same time present them with practicable solutions to their economic problem Swift uses the false persona in order to satire the social workers of the time as he saw them. Swift creates a fictional persona because by hiding his true identity he is able to convince the readers of the significance of Ireland's problem and allow them to see truth and reality. The persona is a concerned Irishman who is very intelligent, sound, and serious. He appears to be a brute and a monster for proposing something evil and immoral very calmly as if it is normal to consume the flesh of another human being. What makes his proposal to be even more depraved is that he proposes to eat the babies. The persona declares, and at exactly at one year old that I propose to provide for them, in a such a manner as, instead of being...

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A Modest Proposal

...A A Modest Proposal Roosevelt Wilkerson Strayer University Professor Mark A. Coppelli November 20, 2011 A Modest Proposal While reading an essay entitled A Modest Proposal, it showed me the struggles of Ireland to provide for their people ensuring the people were not starving and without a place to stay. The writings illustrated a man, Jonathan Swift, who through his travels throughout Europe including Ireland, there was something that struck him seeing the women and children living on the street and being looked at as if they were animals. While he has seen this many times while coming up and as an adult, it really did not hit him until then. He felt there had to be a solution that gets them off the street and become productive members of society. Understanding his mentality before his revelation and those that are well off, I believe he thought there had to be an attention getter that would make people really think about the problem of people being treated like animals in the street. His proposal to solve this issue rather took me by surprise as I’m sure it did most considering his proposal was a rather radical one. His proposal, which was midway through his writing, was to, in effect, beef up the children and feed them to Ireland's rich. Children from poor families could be sold into a meat market at the age of one, which could combat the issue plaguing the poor and that was the caring of kids they really could not afford to take care of. This would...

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A Modest Proposal

...Constance White November 11, 2011 In “A Modest Proposal,” Swift talks about the English landlords proposing that Irish infants be sold as food at the age of one, when they are plump and healthy. He thought that it would be good to give the Irish a new source of income and the English a new food product to help their economy. He stated that “his proposal, if adopted, would also result in a reduction in the number of Catholics in Ireland, since most Irish infants—almost all of whom were baptized Catholic—would end up in stews and other dishes instead of growing up to go to Catholic churches”. By 1703, the Irish Catholics owned about ten percent of the land. Meanwhile, legislation limited the rights of the Irish to hold government office, purchase real estate, get an education, and advance themselves in other ways. As a result, many Irish fled to foreign lands, including America. .Because so many Irish parents that cannot find a decent job to support their children would spend all their time walking the streets begging. Meanwhile, the children would grow up to become thieves or emigrants. This situation presented a serious problem for Britain, especially since their are so many Irish children. Each year, several hundred thousand babies were born to Irish parents. Swift said that if you subtract those who are born to well-to-do parents, those who are stillborn, and those who die after birth as a result of disease or accident, you are still left with about...

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