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A Separate Peace Identity Analysis

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"Living as Those Made Alive in Christ Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God." Colossians 3:1-3 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Throughout this book, A Separate Peace, Gene found his true identity in whom he surrounded himself with, what his actions were, how he truly felt, and the effect the war had on him. When Gene first came to Devon School, the boarding school that he spent his entire high school career in, he quickly discovered himself and his true identity. In the beginning of the story Gene looked back on his days in this phantom school, and he relived …show more content…
Gene then had the freedom to be himself again and abided by the rules. Deep down Gene really did not like Finny, and sometimes he found it hard to admit that to himself. Finny changed the way that Gene did things, his thoughts, and his actions. Gene did not like who he was around Finny because it gave him a bad reputation. Finny was also the "cool" and slick kid around school, and sometimes it made Gene feel left out. Finny, shortly after his return to school, was already back to his no good tricks and trying to convince Gene to be more athletic. He began "coaching" Gene to be an athlete in his place since he could no longer play sports. Finny began training Gene to be prepared to "go out for the Olympics" and this training made him athletic. The war also had a major effect on Gene as well because of the dilemma and desire he had to be a part of the war. Finny had this crazy mindset that the war did not exist and that everyone was on some bizarre drug that was making them think that there was a war. Gene's friend at school, Leper, joined the military and he ended up going mad and running away. During Gene's visit with Leper after he had run away from the war and gone mad, Leper still believed that Gene pushed Finny out of the tree. This had a drastic effect on Gene and it made him rather

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