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A&P Lab


Submitted By derrickl
Words 530
Pages 3
Laszlo Vass, Ed.D. Version 42-0013-00-01

Lab RepoRt assistant

This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students’ writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor.


What is the purpose of this exercise?

Are there any safety concerns associated with this exercise? If so, list what they are and what precautions should be taken.

Exercise 1: Epithelial Tissue

Data Table 1: Epithelial Tissue Observations | TISSUE TYPE | OBSERVATIONS | Simple Squamous | Flat, scale-like cells, and very close together. | Simple Cuboidal | Single layer of cube/oval like cells, cells are not packed together | Simple Columnar (stomach) | Single layer of different sized tall, narrow cells, connective tissue | Simple Columnar (duodenum) | | Stratified Squamous (keratinized) | | Stratified Squamous (non-keratinized) | | Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar | | Transitional | | Stratified Cuboidal (online) | | Stratified Columnar (online) | |


A. Why is the study of histology important in the overall understanding of anatomy and physiology?

B. How are epithelial tissues named?

C. Why are some epithelial tissues stratified?

D. Unlike squamous cells, cuboidal and columnar cells have large, open cytoplasm. Which functions of epithelial tissue are supported by having such big cells?

E. Look at the following drawings and identify each type of epithelial tissue:

| 1. | | 2. | | 3. | | 4. |

Exercise 2: Connective Tissue obseRvations

Data Table 2: Connective Tissue | Tissue | Amount and Shape ofCells | Amount ofMatrix | Are there fibers? If so,are they parallel orscattered? | Mesenchyme (online) | | | | Aerolar (online) | | | | Adipose (online) | | | | Dense Irregular (online) | | | | Reticular | | | | Dense Regular: Tendon | | | | Hyaline Cartilage | | | | Elastic Cartilage | | | | Fibrocartilage | | | | Compact Bone | | | | Human Blood | | | |


A. What is the primary function of connective tissue?

B. What can the shape of the cells in a particular type of tissue tell about the function of that tissue?

C. What is matrix? Why do some tissues have more matrix than others?

D. What do collagen fibers provide?

E. Tendons, ligaments and cartilage have limited blood supply. Explain how this might affect the ability of these tissues to heal after an injury.

Exercise 3: Muscle Tissue obseRvations Data Table 3: Muscle Tissue | Muscle | Shape and Arrangement of Cells | Str ia tions Present? | Skeletal | | | Smooth | | | Cardiac | | |


A. What kind of muscle would you find in the stomach?

B. How is smooth muscle structure different from that of skeletal and cardiac muscle? C. Why is skeletal muscle voluntary?

D. What is unique about cardiac muscle?

Exercise 4: Nervous Tissue obseRvations

Make a sketch of the neuron as seen in your microscope slide and label the following: Cell body, nucleus, cell processes and neuroglia.


A. What is the function of nervous tissue?

B. Why are the cell bodies of neurons elongated into cell processes?

C. If all nerves respond to stimuli, why cannot eyes “hear” sound and ears “see” light?

D. How is a nerve different from a neuron?


Explain the purpose of these exercises and why studying histology is important to the understanding of how the human body functions.

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