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Abraham Lincoln's Downfall In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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Macbeth’s built up character or lack thereof determined how he would react to their prophecy. Just as all men, he had potential for both good and bad. The good inside of him is obvious in the beginning when he was portrayed as an honorable leader of many faithful men. He was Thane of Glamis and a courageous leader in the war at the beginning of the play. With his dying breaths, a soldier proclaims “For brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name)” (Shakespeare 1.2:18), praising him as a hero to the kingdom and the king and to show that all saw and admired his character even without his titles. The first few scenes show that not only his men, but the king had faith beyond doubt in his loyalty. Men followed him into battle because they knew he …show more content…
His ambition was what originally tempted him to consider the idea. This hesitation allowed the thoughts to seep into his mind, but it was his lack of obedience immediately after that caused his downfall. Ambition tempts many and only those with the want to overcome it will. Abraham Lincoln, a man …show more content…
In the play, Banquo also receives a prophecy about his sons and their potential to become kings but he does not pursue this ‘fate’. The witches tried to prey on Banquo's love for his family but straight away he saw that if he were to act upon this temptation he would hurt himself and others around him (Costa 8) . Unlike Macbeth he saw that the cores of the witches were truly evil, trying to lead him astray. The act that set him apart from Macbeth was when he called them out for what they were when he said “What, can the devil speak true?” (1.3:120). This difference in character shows how if one has a strength in character to begin with, when those strong, heavy temptations pull upon standards, the one who has built up his character will withstand much better than those that never decided to not waver in their faith. Banquo decided in the moment to rid his mind of the temptation and not allow it to feed upon it, while Macbeth’s feeble characteristics could not find reason to deny the power offered to him. If Macbeth like Banquo had not allowed the great temptation to prey upon his mind, he could have remained in his state of glory having overcome a temptation that is appealing to many

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