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Absenteeism in the Place of Work


Submitted By hrcompetency
Words 1414
Pages 6

One of the most common problems facing employers in today’s workplace is employee absenteeism. It is not something that is unique to any particular industry as its costs impacts just about every workplace. This article is a manager’s perspective on the pervasive trend of absenteeism and why it is a huge problem. However, there are increasingly more and more ways to deal with it and help reduce its enormous costs.

Absenteeism as the term suggests, is simply a matter of employees not showing up for their scheduled work. The effects of absenteeism in the workplace are also directly proportional to decreased productivity. Unabated, this can also result in the company incurring additional costs to cover for the hiring of temporary staff or paying overtime.

A simple breakdown of the actual cost ramifications of absenteeism are:

• Lost productivity of the absent employee
• Overtime for other employees to fill in.
• The costs incurred hiring temporary help.
• Possible loss of business and/or dissatisfied customers.
• Problems associated with lowered employee morale.
• A substantial decrease in overall productivity.

Productivity lost as a direct result of absenteeism is nothing to sneeze at. In the United States, the annual cost to employers for time lost due to accidents and/or unscheduled employee absences is estimated to be in the $100 billion. That figure for the Canadian workplace is estimated to be in the $15 billion range. These are staggering numbers that only serve to give an indication of this serious and growing challenge.

But there are the inescapable facts that pertain to legitimate or innocent absenteeism. Employees on legitimate paid or unpaid time off do not and should not affect the productivity grid. There are also the instances where employees are legitimately absent for reasons beyond their control;

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