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Advaark Strategy: Stick to the Core-or Go for More?


Submitted By sidrasagheer
Words 811
Pages 4

Course Outline for Fall Semester 2014 Course Title :Marketing Management Course Code : Number of Credits :3 Instructor :MehwishZafar Office Hours : Thursday 12:00-2:00 Office : Faculty Room Email : Course Objective In this course, students develop a critical appreciation of the basic concepts and techniques of marketing management and strategy with an emphasis on creating customer value and building customer relationships. The course develops concepts and skills necessary for marketing decision-making and illustrates how various decision-making tools apply to actual business situations. The goal of this course is to develop a disciplined process for addressing marketing issues and problems in a variety of settings, and to give students the tools and background necessary to think through marketing problems. Student Email Criteria - ‘Netiquette’ In business, as with course related correspondence, e-mail is regarded as a professional means of communication. Proper sentence structure, capitalization, and punctuation are required. Proper information must be included within each e-mail:   Include the course number in subject line Make sure your name is on any attachment you mail me. I often will print them out, and then I don’t know from whom they came.

For all online communication, proper “netiquette” is expected: correct spelling, correct grammar, proper formatting (avoid all caps and overuse of formatting tools). E-mails will usually be answered within 24 hours on weekdays and within 48 hours on weekends or official holidays, although, in most cases, I will answer you even before.

Grades Policy

Course Grades will be computed based upon the following weighting:      20% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam 10% Classroom Presentations (Includes CP, and other class activities,

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