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SEMINAR PEMASARAN – Simulasi Analisis 2 (9 September 2014) Nama : Bagus Rizki Kurniawan NIM : 11/315625/EK/18443 Jurusan : Manajemen Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Sahid Susilo Nugroho, M.Sc

Direct Effect
Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients a Standardized Coefficients



B (Constant) 1 Alpha a. Dependent Variable: Beta .626 1.405

Std. Error .153 .055

Beta 9.166 .685 11.388 .000 .000

Signifikan apabila kurang dari 0.05 Tidak Signifikan karena Alpha menunjukkan 0.000

Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients


Standardized Coefficients



B (Constant) 1 Bravo a. Dependent Variable: Charlie .404 2.275

Std. Error .203 .064

Beta 11.214 .464 6.299 .000 .000

Signifikan apabila kurang dari 0.05 Tidak Signifikan karena Bravo menunjukkan 0.000

Moderating Effect

Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate R Square Change 1 2 3 .620 .618 a b c

Change Statistics F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change 29.821 .599 39.024 3 1 1 143 143 144 .000 .440 .000

.385 .382 .215

.372 .374 .209

.44829 .44767 .50295

.385 -.003 -.167


a. Predictors: (Constant), Bradel, Charlie, Bravo b. Predictors: (Constant), Charlie, Bravo c. Predictors: (Constant), Bravo

Signifikansi F Change sebesar 0.440 Sehingga tidak diterima karena berada jauh diatas 0.05

Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients


Standardized Coefficients



B (Constant) Bravo 1 Bradel Charlie (Constant) 2 Bravo Charlie (Constant) 3 Bravo a. Dependent Variable: Charlie .404 -.066 .703 .683 .323 .504 2.275 -.035 .564

Std. Error .979 .316 .085 .269 .312 .058 .081 .203 .064

Beta -.036 .648 -.355 .585 1.784 -.774 2.610 2.188 .371 .419 5.531 6.247 11.214 .464 6.299 .972 .077 .440 .010 .030 .000 .000 .000 .000

Mediating Effect
Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients a Standardized Coefficients



B (Constant) 1 alpha a. Dependent Variable: Charlie .217 2.941

Std. Error .175 .063

Beta 16.827 .276 3.461 .000 .001

Signifikan karena 0.01 Berada diatas 0.05 Alpha mempengaruhi Bravo secara signifikan Alpha mempengaruhi Charlie secara signifikan Bravo mempengaruhi Charlie secara signifikan

The Level of Mediating Effect

Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients


Standardized Coefficients



B (Constant) 1 alpha a. Dependent Variable: Charlie .217 2.941

Std. Error .175 .063

Beta 16.827 .276 3.461 .000 .001

Alpha menunjukkan signifikansi 0.001 model pertama
Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients a Standardized Coefficients



B (Constant) 1 Alpha Bravo a. Dependent Variable: Charlie 2.296 -.064 .453

Std. Error .205 .080 .088

Beta 11.211 -.082 .520 -.805 5.116 .000 .422 .000

Alpha menunjukkan signifikansi 0.422 model kedua Dapat dikatakan keduannya signifikan sehingga dapat dikatakan tidak sempurna/imperfect Bravo sebagai mediator masih belum secara penuh, sehingga masih ada hubungan secara langsung Alpha dan Charlie. Keduanya dapat dikatakan mediating multiple factors, yang mana beta alpha model pertama signifikan dan beta alpha model kedua signifikan

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...The U. S economy is impacted by many factors that can change it. Some of the factors that can affect it the economy are unemployment, expectations, consumer income and interest rates. Unemployment rate is that percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment and willing to work. (Investopedia 2012) From 1948 to 2004 the monthly U.S. unemployment rate has ranged between 2.5% to 10.8% averaging approximately 5-6% .The unemployment rate is considered a lagging indicator, confirming but not foreshadowing long-term market trends. (Investopedia 2012) Unemployment not only affects the U.S economy but also household economy. Without employment there is no income to purchase goods and services, therefore hurting the economy. Households are where the economy starts and with no incoming income there is no outgoing spending. Expectations refer to how individuals and companies knew the future of certain economic variables, including market prices, individual income, company profit and tax. ( Expectations is an integral concept in economics because individuals’ and companies expectations themselves affect the very economic values that the expectations are directed toward. Consumer income is the amount of income is the amount of income remaining after taxes and living expenses have been deducted from wages. This is the amount of money a person has to spend, save or invest. Consumers’ income (our income as working citizens) can affect the demand...

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