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Alv Sample


Submitted By iamtheoneuwant
Words 1748
Pages 7
*& *
*& This report display the details of IDocs. *
*& The secondary list displays the status of the selected IDoc. *


* Type-pools declaration
TYPE-POOLS: slis, kkblo.

* Types Declaration
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_idoc_control_data, docnum TYPE edidc-docnum, direct TYPE edidc-direct, direction_text(8) TYPE c, status TYPE edidc-status, mestyp TYPE edidc-mestyp, idoctp TYPE edidc-idoctp, rcvprn TYPE edidc-rcvprn, rcvpfc TYPE edidc-rcvpfc, sndprn TYPE edidc-sndprn, sndpfc TYPE edidc-sndpfc, END OF ty_idoc_control_data.

TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_idoc_status_data, logdat TYPE edids-logdat, logtim TYPE edids-logtim, countr TYPE edids-countr, status TYPE edids-status, uname TYPE edids-uname, statxt TYPE edids-statxt, statyp TYPE edids-statyp, END OF ty_idoc_status_data.

* Table type
TYPES: ty_i_idoc_control_data TYPE TABLE OF ty_idoc_control_data, ty_i_idoc_status_data TYPE TABLE OF ty_idoc_status_data.

* Tables Declaration
TABLES: edidc, edpp1.

* ALV Internal tables & Structures
DATA: i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv, i_events TYPE slis_t_event,
* i_heading type slis_t_listheader, w_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.

* ALV Status data
DATA: w_list_status TYPE slis_status.

* IDoc Control Data Internal Table
DATA: i_idoc_control_data TYPE ty_i_idoc_control_data.

DATA: i_idoc_status_data TYPE ty_i_idoc_status_data.

DATA: i_text_end_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader, i_text_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader, i_text_top_of_page_detail TYPE slis_t_listheader.

* Selection-screen Design

SELECT-OPTIONS: s_docnum FOR edidc-docnum, s_status FOR edidc-status, s_mestyp FOR edidc-mestyp, s_idoctp FOR edidc-idoctp, s_rcvprn FOR edpp1-parnum, s_sndprn FOR edpp1-parnum.

SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b_selection_criteria.


* Read data from EDIDC PERFORM f_read_idoc_data USING i_idoc_control_data.

* Assign directions to IDocs PERFORM f_assign_idoc_direction USING i_idoc_control_data.

* Get & Process Events PERFORM f_get_and_process_events USING i_events.

* Prepare the Field Catalog for the Basic List PERFORM f_prepare_field_catalog USING i_fieldcat.

* Specify the Layout Options for the Basic List PERFORM f_specify_layout_options USING w_layout.


* Display the Basic List PERFORM f_display_basic_list USING i_fieldcat i_idoc_control_data w_layout i_events.

* &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& *
* &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& *

*& Form f_read_idoc_data
* This subroutine reads IDoc (Control) Data from table EDIDC.
* p_i_idoc_control_data Itab with IDoc Control Data
FORM f_read_idoc_data USING p_i_idoc_control_data TYPE ty_i_idoc_control_data.

* Read IDoc control data from table EDIDC SELECT docnum direct status mestyp idoctp rcvprn rcvpfc sndprn sndpfc INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE p_i_idoc_control_data FROM edidc WHERE docnum IN s_docnum AND status IN s_status AND mestyp IN s_mestyp AND idoctp IN s_idoctp AND rcvprn IN s_rcvprn AND sndprn IN s_sndprn.

ENDFORM. " f_read_idoc_data

*& Form f_prepare_field_catalog
* This subroutine prepares the field catalog.
* p_i_fieldcat Field Catalog Itab
FORM f_prepare_field_catalog USING p_i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.

* Local Field Catalog workarea DATA: l_fieldcat LIKE LINE OF p_i_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_control_data'. " DOCNUM l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'DOCNUM'. l_fieldcat-key = 'X'. l_fieldcat-hotspot = 'X'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'IDoc No.'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'IDoc Number'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_i_fieldcat.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_control_data'. " DIRECTION_TEXT l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'DIRECTION_TEXT'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'IDoc Dir.'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'IDoc Direction'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_i_fieldcat.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_control_data'. " STATUS l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'STATUS'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'IDoc Sts.'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'IDoc Status'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_i_fieldcat.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_control_data'. " MESTYP l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'MESTYP'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Msg. Typ.'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Message Type'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_i_fieldcat.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_control_data'. " IDOCTP l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'IDOCTP'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Bas. Typ.'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Basic Type'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_i_fieldcat.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_control_data'. " RCVPRN l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'RCVPRN'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Rcv. Prtn.'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Receiving Partner No.'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_i_fieldcat.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_control_data'. " RCVPFC l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'RCVPFC'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Rcv. Prt. Fn.'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Receiving Partner Function'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_i_fieldcat.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_control_data'. " SNDPRN l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'SNDPRN'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Snd. Prtn.'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Sending Partner No.'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_i_fieldcat.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_control_data'. " SNDPFC l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'SNDPFC'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Snd. Prt. Fn.'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Sending Partner Function'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_i_fieldcat.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

ENDFORM. " f_prepare_field_catalog

*& Form f_specify_layout_options
* This subroutine specifies the various layout options.
* p_w_layout Structure containing layout options
FORM f_specify_layout_options USING p_w_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.

* Specify various layout options p_w_layout-zebra = 'X'. p_w_layout-group_buttons = 'X'. p_w_layout-window_titlebar = 'IDoc Report'. p_w_layout-numc_sum = 'X'.

ENDFORM. " f_specify_layout_options

*& Form f_assign_IDoc_direction
* This subroutine assigns direction to the IDocs
* p_i_IDoc_control Itab with IDoc control data
FORM f_assign_idoc_direction USING p_i_idoc_control_data TYPE ty_i_idoc_control_data.

* Local workarea for the Itab DATA: l_w_idoc_control_data LIKE LINE OF p_i_idoc_control_data.

* Local constants DATA: l_c_outbound TYPE edidc-direct VALUE '1', l_c_inbound TYPE edidc-direct VALUE '2', l_c_outbound_text(8) TYPE c VALUE 'Outbound', l_c_inbound_text(8) TYPE c VALUE 'Inbound'.

* Based on direction, assign direction texts LOOP AT p_i_idoc_control_data INTO l_w_idoc_control_data.

IF l_w_idoc_control_data-direct = l_c_outbound. l_w_idoc_control_data-direction_text = l_c_outbound_text. ELSEIF l_w_idoc_control_data-direct = l_c_inbound. l_w_idoc_control_data-direction_text = l_c_inbound_text. ENDIF.

MODIFY p_i_idoc_control_data FROM l_w_idoc_control_data TRANSPORTING direction_text.


ENDFORM. " f_assign_IDoc_direction

*& Form f_display_basic_list
* This subroutine displays the basic list.
* --> p_i_fieldcat Itab with Field Catalog
* --> p_i_idoc_control_data Itab with IDoc Control Data
* --> p_w_layout Structure with Layout Options
* --> p_i_events Itab with Events
FORM f_display_basic_list USING value(p_i_fieldcat) TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv value(p_i_idoc_control_data) TYPE ty_i_idoc_control_data value(p_w_layout) TYPE slis_layout_alv value(p_i_events) TYPE slis_t_event.

* Local variable to hold the List No. DATA: l_w_list_no TYPE slis_status-counter_of_lists_added.

* ################################### break yeluruam.
* ###################################

* Display the list by calling the corresponding function module l_w_list_no = w_list_status-counter_of_lists_added.

CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_callback_program = 'ZAMAR_ALV_IDOC_REPORT' is_layout = p_w_layout it_fieldcat = p_i_fieldcat it_events = p_i_events TABLES t_outtab = p_i_idoc_control_data EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2.

IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF.

ENDFORM. " f_display_basic_list

*& Form f_get_and_process_events
* This subroutine reads & processes events for the report.
* p_i_events Itab containing Events & Corr. Subroutines
FORM f_get_and_process_events USING p_i_events TYPE slis_t_event.

* Local workarea for Events Itab DATA: l_w_event LIKE LINE OF p_i_events.

* Local constants
* constants: l_c_top_of_page_event type slis_alv_event-name
* value 'SLIS_EV_TOP_OF_PAGE', CONSTANTS: l_c_end_of_page_form TYPE slis_alv_event-form VALUE 'F_END_OF_PAGE', l_c_top_of_page_form TYPE slis_alv_event-form VALUE 'F_TOP_OF_PAGE', l_c_user_command_form TYPE slis_alv_event-form VALUE 'F_USER_COMMAND'.

* Read all events possible for this report CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET' EXPORTING i_list_type = 0 IMPORTING et_events = p_i_events EXCEPTIONS list_type_wrong = 1 OTHERS = 2.

IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF.

* Assign form for TOP-OF-PAGE event READ TABLE p_i_events INTO l_w_event WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page.

IF syst-subrc = 0.

MOVE l_c_top_of_page_form TO l_w_event-form. MODIFY p_i_events FROM l_w_event TRANSPORTING form WHERE name = slis_ev_top_of_page. ENDIF.

CLEAR l_w_event.

* Assign form for END-OF-LIST event READ TABLE p_i_events INTO l_w_event WITH KEY name = slis_ev_end_of_list.

IF syst-subrc = 0.

MOVE l_c_end_of_page_form TO l_w_event-form. MODIFY p_i_events FROM l_w_event TRANSPORTING form WHERE name = slis_ev_end_of_list. ENDIF.

CLEAR l_w_event.

* Assign form for USER_COMMAND event READ TABLE p_i_events INTO l_w_event WITH KEY name = slis_ev_user_command.

IF syst-subrc = 0.

MOVE l_c_user_command_form TO l_w_event-form. MODIFY p_i_events FROM l_w_event TRANSPORTING form WHERE name = slis_ev_user_command. ENDIF.

ENDFORM. " f_get_and_process_events

* This subroutine processes the TOP-OF-PAGE Event.
* This subroutine has no parameters.
FORM f_top_of_page.

* Local workarea for List Header Itab DATA: l_w_heading TYPE slis_listheader.
* l_i_heading type slis_t_listheader.

* Fill the List Header l_w_heading-typ = 'H'. l_w_heading-info = 'Bayer Diagnostics Rollout VI'. APPEND l_w_heading TO i_text_top_of_page.

CLEAR l_w_heading.

l_w_heading-typ = 'S'. l_w_heading-key = 'Author: '. l_w_heading-info = 'Subhash Chandra Sekhar K.'. APPEND l_w_heading TO i_text_top_of_page.

CLEAR l_w_heading.

l_w_heading-typ = 'A'. l_w_heading-info = 'All figures taken in Nov 2003'. APPEND l_w_heading TO i_text_top_of_page.

CLEAR l_w_heading.

* Call the corresponding Function Module to process TOP-OF-PAGE Event CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE' EXPORTING it_list_commentary = i_text_top_of_page.

REFRESH i_text_top_of_page.


* This subroutine processes the END-OF-LIST event
* This subroutine has no parameters.
FORM f_end_of_list.

* Local workarea for List Header Itab DATA: l_w_heading TYPE slis_listheader.
* l_i_heading type slis_t_listheader.

* Fill the List Header l_w_heading-typ = 'A'. l_w_heading-info = 'Source: Department of IT, Bayer Diagnostics'. APPEND l_w_heading TO i_text_end_of_page.

* Call the corresponding Function Module to process TOP-OF-PAGE Event CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE' EXPORTING it_list_commentary = i_text_end_of_page i_end_of_list_grid = 'X'.

CLEAR l_w_heading.

REFRESH i_text_end_of_page.


* This subroutine handles the USER_COMMAND event
* --> p_user_command User command
* --> p_field_selected Field selected by the user
FORM f_user_command USING value(p_user_command) TYPE syst-ucomm value(p_field_selected) TYPE slis_selfield.

* Local data DATA: l_w_idoc_selected TYPE edids-docnum.

CONSTANTS: l_c_idoc_field_name TYPE slis_selfield-fieldname VALUE 'DOCNUM'.

* ######################## break yeluruam.
* ########################

* Check if the user has clicked only on the IDoc field IF p_field_selected-fieldname NE l_c_idoc_field_name.

MESSAGE e001. " Error message

ELSE. " User clicked on an IDoc

* Display the secondary list l_w_idoc_selected = p_field_selected-value.

PERFORM f_display_secondary_list USING l_w_idoc_selected.



*& Form f_display_secondary_list
* This subroutine displays the secondary list
* --> p_IDoc_selected No. of IDoc selected
FORM f_display_secondary_list USING value(p_idoc_selected) TYPE edids-docnum.

* Local workarea DATA: l_w_idoc_status_data LIKE LINE OF i_idoc_status_data.

* ##################### break yeluruam.
* #####################

* Read IDoc status data from table EDIDS SELECT logdat logtim countr status uname statxt statyp INTO TABLE i_idoc_status_data FROM edids WHERE docnum = p_idoc_selected.

* Get Events CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET' EXPORTING i_list_type = 0 IMPORTING et_events = i_events EXCEPTIONS list_type_wrong = 1 OTHERS = 2.

IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF.

DATA: l_w_event LIKE LINE OF i_events.

* Handle the TOP-OF-PAGE event READ TABLE i_events INTO l_w_event WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page.

IF syst-subrc = 0.

MOVE 'F_TOP_OF_PAGE_DETAIL' TO l_w_event-form. MODIFY i_events FROM l_w_event TRANSPORTING form WHERE name = slis_ev_top_of_page.

* Export the IDoc no. selected to memory - to be used in TOP-OF-PAGE EXPORT p_idoc_selected TO MEMORY ID 'ZAMAR_IDOC_SELECTED'.


CLEAR l_w_event.

* Build Field Catalog
* Local Field Catalog workarea DATA: i_fieldcat_detail TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv, l_fieldcat LIKE LINE OF i_fieldcat_detail.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_status_data'. " LOGDAT l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'LOGDAT'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Status Date'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Date of Status Information'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat_detail.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_status_data'. " LOGTIM l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'LOGTIM'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Status Time'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Time of Status Information'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat_detail.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_status_data'. " COUNTR l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'COUNTR'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Status Counter'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'IDoc Status Counter'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat_detail.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_status_data'. " STATUS l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'STATUS'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'IDoc Status'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Status of IDoc'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat_detail.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_status_data'. " STATYP l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'STATYP'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Status Message Type'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Type of Status Message'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat_detail.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_status_data'. " STATYP l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'STATYP'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Status Message Type'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Type of Status Message'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat_detail.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

l_fieldcat-tabname = 'i_idoc_status_data'. " STATXT l_fieldcat-fieldname = 'STATXT'. l_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Status Message Text'. l_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Text for Status Message'. APPEND l_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat_detail.

CLEAR l_fieldcat.

* Display the Detailed List CLEAR w_layout. w_layout-zebra = 'X'. w_layout-detail_popup = 'X'. w_layout-window_titlebar = 'IDoc Status Detail'.

CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_callback_program = 'ZAMAR_ALV_IDOC_REPORT' is_layout = w_layout it_fieldcat = i_fieldcat_detail
* IT_EVENTS = i_events i_screen_start_column = 20 i_screen_start_line = 6 i_screen_end_column = 90 i_screen_end_line = 20 TABLES t_outtab = i_idoc_status_data EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2.

IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF.

ENDFORM. " f_display_secondary_list

* This subroutine handles the TOP-OF-PAGE event for detailed list.
* This subroutine has no parameters.
FORM f_top_of_page_detail .

DATA: p_idoc_selected TYPE edids-docnum.

* Import the IDoc No. IMPORT p_idoc_selected FROM MEMORY ID 'ZAMAR_IDOC_SELECTED'.

* Local workarea for List Header Itab DATA: l_w_heading TYPE slis_listheader.

* ####################### break yeluruam.
* #######################

* Fill the List Header l_w_heading-typ = 'S'. l_w_heading-key = 'IDoc No.: '. l_w_heading-info = p_idoc_selected. APPEND l_w_heading TO i_text_top_of_page.

CLEAR l_w_heading.

* Call the corresponding Function Module to process TOP-OF-PAGE Event CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE' EXPORTING it_list_commentary = i_text_top_of_page_detail.

CLEAR l_w_heading.

REFRESH i_text_top_of_page_detail.


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...sampling Cluster sampling is a sampling technique where the entire population is divided into groups, or clusters and a random sample of these clusters are selected. All observations in the selected clusters are included in the sample. Cluster sampling is typically used when the researcher cannot get a complete list of the members of a population they wish to study but can get a complete list of groups or 'clusters' of the population. It is also used when a random sample would produce a list of subjects so widely scattered that surveying them would prove to be far too expensive, for example, people who live in different counties in the Country. Advantages One advantage of cluster sampling is that it is cheap, quick, and easy. Instead of sampling the entire country when using simple random sampling, the research can instead allocate resources to the few randomly selected clusters when using cluster sampling. A second advantage to cluster sampling is that the researcher can have a larger sample size than if he or she was using simple random sampling. Because the researcher will only have to take the sample from a number of clusters, he or she can select more subjects since they are more accessible. Disadvantages One main disadvantage of cluster sampling is that is the least representative of the population out of all the types of probability samples. It is common for individuals within a cluster to have similar characteristics, so when a researcher uses cluster sampling, there...

Words: 1337 - Pages: 6

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Asbitch as Shit

...Definition of Terms Target population * the population we want to study Sampled population * the population from where we actually select the sample Sample * these are the elements from the sampled population who are actually selected to participate or to be the subject in the study Sample size * Total number of elements in the sample SAMPLING * the process of selecting a small number of elements from a larger defined target group of elements such that the information gathered from the small group will allow judgments to be made about the larger groups SAMPLING TECHNIQUES * PROBABILITY SAMPLING a method of selecting a sample wherein each element in the population has a known, nonzero chance of being included in the sample. Simple Random Sampling a probability sampling method wherein all members of the population have equal chances of being included in the study. When to use: * If the members of the population are not so spread geographically. * If the members are homogeneous with respect to the characteristic under study. Systematic Sampling probability sampling method wherein the selection of the first member (random start - r) is at random (using simple random sampling) and the selection of the other members in sample is systematic by successively taking every kth member from the random start, where k is the sampling interval. When to use: * If the arrangement of the members is according to magnitude...

Words: 820 - Pages: 4

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Home Work

...1.12 What is the difference between a sample and a population? In most studies, it is difficult to obtain information from the entire population. We rely on samples to make estimates or inferences related to the population. Population means the population of the whole area. Sample means a sample of people taken out of the population to be tested or studied. 1.13 What is the difference between a statistic and parameter? The difference between parameter and a statistic is that a parameter is a number obtained by calculation from a population while statistic is a number calculated from a sample. A statistic is usually used to estimate a parameter. 1.22 A Gallup poll indicated that 74% of Americans who had yet to retire look to retirement accounts as major funding sources when they retire. Interestingly, 40% also said that they looked to stocks or stock market mutual fund investments as major funding sources when they retire. (data extracted from D.Jacobs, “Investors Look Beyond Social Security to Fund Retirement,”, March 28, 2011). The results are based on telephone interviews conducted March 24, 2011, with 1,000 or more adults living in the United States, aged 18 and older. a. Describe the population of interest. They are the Americans that have not retire yet. b. Describe the sample that was collected. They are the 18 and older group of adults. c. Is 74% a parameter or a statistic? Explain. It is a parameter...

Words: 1086 - Pages: 5

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...INTRODUCTION Definitions Each country has its own currency through which both national and international transactions are performed. All the international business transactions involve an exchange of one currency for another Scope of the study * The study can help in analyzing Growth in currency derivatives. * Companies are looking to get a competitive edge * Quick returns are possible for short term profits in currency derivatives * Future growth of currency derivatives OBJECTIVES OF STUDY * OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The basic idea behind undertaking Currency Derivatives project to gain knowledge about currency future market. * To study the basic concept of Currency future * To study the exchange traded currency future * To understand the practical considerations and ways of considering currency future price. * To analyze different currency derivatives products. Limitations of the Study Every study is bound by limitations and as such this is no exceptions. 1. The analysis was purely based on the secondary data. So, any error in the secondary data might also affect the study undertaken. 2. The currency future is new concept and topic related book was not available in library and market. 3. Confidential matters were not disclosed by the company. 4. There were time constraints. Existing & proposed product Produts and services 1.Equity Trading The best way...

Words: 2725 - Pages: 11

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...size of research population, it is not feasible to test all the individuals of the population since it will take too much time and will be expensive as well. So the researchers take few individuals from the research population ( a subset of the set of target population) using sampling techniques. These techniques helps to take out sample as per the requirements of the type of research that is to be conducted. A research population is also known as a well-defined collection of individuals or objects known to have similar characteristics. All individuals or objects within a certain population usually have a common, binding characteristic or trait. Usually, the description of the population and the common binding characteristic of its members are the same. "Government officials" is a well-defined group of individuals which can be considered as a population and all the members of this population are indeed officials of the government. There are various sources from which a sample is created. A set of all these sources is called a Sampling frame from which the sample is selected. With the help of sampling frames, researchers are able to select the sample population from the target population that will be tested for the research or survey. A sampling frame should have the following characteristics: Completeness: A frame should be complete in a sense that all the individuals of the target population should be covered in the frame. In case we are...

Words: 4006 - Pages: 17

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Random Sampling Dq

...Simple Random Sampling is done when every individual subject in the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample, without any bias (Explorable). For example, if a researcher wants to represent the population as a whole, they can pick random numbers or names out a hat or use a program to randomly choose names so the information is not biased. Stratified Sampling is performed by, dividing the population into at least two (or more) groups or sections, which share certain characteristics, called “strata” (Explorable). For example, a researcher who wants to compare the average economic status of different racial groups may use this technique in order to divide the population into groups based on race and ethnicities and then compare the whole average from each ethnic group. Cluster Sampling is done by dividing the population into separate sections or “clusters” and then picks a cluster randomly and chooses all the members from those clusters for the sample (Explorable). For example, using a geographical cluster, in order to look at the academic performance of students. The researcher can divide Nassau County in Long Island into clusters based on the towns. Then, randomly select a certain number of these clusters or towns and include all the students from those clusters to be part of the sample. Systematic Sampling is performed by, using and selecting a point at which to begin and then selecting every x number after that point (Explorable). For example,...

Words: 391 - Pages: 2

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Business Research

...” 2015). Quantitative research “is about asking people for their opinions in a structured way so that you can produce hard facts and statistics to guide you. To get reliable statistical results, it’s important to survey people in fairly large numbers and to make sure they are a representative sample of your target market.” ("What Is Quantitative Research?” 2015). There also are descriptive and statistical approach’s in this paper that will help with understand what is best for you business research. When constructing a business research there are several sampling methods that can be used. Some sampling methods would be simple random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling and quota sampling and etc. The article I chose to do is called Qualitative and quantitative methods for sampling zooplankton in shallow coastal estuaries. “Many different devices are used for sampling zooplankton. Every sampler has its advantages and limitations in terms of sampling ease and efficiency, which is why hydro biologists search for devices that could increase sampling efficiency and decrease human effort (Nunez et al. 2008).” In this article they used the plankton net sampling method and it is used to sample the lake or pond.” These sampling methods all have their strengths and weakness and to choose...

Words: 1078 - Pages: 5

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...Population/Sampling Method Wal-Mart is a giant retail cooperation that is not able to provide adequate pay and benefits to the current employees (“Making change at Wal-Mart, 2014). One possible solution concerning this issue is to conduct research and to properly organize a way to survey or interview employees who are being directly affected. The target group in this research project would be Wal-Mart employees that are willing to participate in the study. These employees will range from different age groups, various backgrounds and cultures. Access to these employees would be during work hours or before or after work. Employees could come in early or stay late. Interviews could also be performed on days when business is slow. There are several types of sampling methods that can be used such as: simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling, and cluster sampling (“Choosing a Sampling Method”, 2013). Random sampling is an effective way to measure the perspective of a group of people that is too large to interview (“Basics of choosing a survey population”, 2008). In this research, the random sampling will be the method used so that favoritism or being bias does not occur. Instruments Used Often times large groups of people are broken down into smaller groups because it can be too expensive and too time consuming (“Basics of choosing a survey population”, 2008). Some examples of instruments used to collect data are : informal and formal surveys, direct and...

Words: 982 - Pages: 4

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Business Research on 3g

...Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background “3G, short for third Generation, is the third generation of mobile telecommunications technology” (Geneva, 2002). 3G telecommunication networks support services that provide an information transfer rate of at least 200 kbit/s. Later 3G releases, often denoted 3.5G and 3.75G, also provide mobile broadband access of several Mbit/s to smart phones and mobile modems in laptop computers. “3G finds application in wireless voice telephony, mobile Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls and mobile TV. This is a set of standards used for mobile devices and mobile telecommunication use services and networks that comply with the International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) specifications by the International Telecommunication Union3G finds application in wireless voice telephony, mobile Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls and mobile TV” (Smith and Collins, 2000). 3G technology is the result of research and development work carried out by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the early 1980s. 3G specifications and standards were developed in fifteen years. The technical specifications were made available to the public under the name IMT-2000. “The communication spectrum between 400 MHz to 3 GHz was allocated for 3G. Both the government and communication companies approved the 3G standard” (CDG Market Trends and Facts). “The first pre-commercial...

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