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Amba 610 Case Study Wk 3


Submitted By ejrobert
Words 1762
Pages 8
Case Study: The Board Member’s Relative The text of this case is presenting us with what, often, managers are confronted with: a dilemma, and how after all they have to struggle to make an ethically decision. This response to the conference will be approached in three different phases using two different methodologies or frameworks, and a set of questions accompanying the case study to evaluate and analyze the situation or issue presented in the case in order to make a reasonable judgment and how to proceed to make an ethical decision.
The text to be analyzed throughout this discussion is “the Board Member’s Relative” case study (case). 1. Using Browne and Keeley methodology
The basis for evaluating the case here is some of the steps (issue, reasons, value assumptions and conflicts or descriptive assumptions, significant omitted information, and possible conclusions) developed by Browne and Keeley (2012) in their book titled: Asking the Right Question: A Guide to Critical Thinking. - What is the issue? What recommendation should be made? Ellie, the Purchasing manager is confused and confronted with this dilemma. - What are the Reasons? There are many reasons why Ellie is confused about what to do. Doing the right, the ethical thing, or please her boss. The most important reasons are:  Camille’s Coverings is owned by a board member’s daughter.  Camille’s Coverings is expressly presented and its bid handed to Ellie by the CEO of MMI.  Sara’s Settings is the current contractor.  Camille’s Coverings and Sara’s Settings have the same prices. - Are there any value assumptions and conflicts or descriptive assumptions? Absolutely, yes, and they can be noted in statements such as:  Camille’s Coverings is owned by Sydney Carton who is a board member of MMI.  Sydney

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