Premium Essay

An Analysis of Millenials


Submitted By rsaito
Words 467
Pages 2
In the Entrepreneur article, “This is How Millennials Want to Be Managed,” Rob Reuteman explains how companies have to adapt Millennials, also known as Generation Y. The author uses surveys like from the Harvard Business Review and PricewaterhouseCoopers to explain what Millennials want from their employers. He also gives examples by using his interviews with other authors, a consultant and a CEO. This paper will analyze Reuteman’s article from the main points of who are Millennials, what issues the companies are facing by hiring Generation Y, and solutions for this “culture clash.”

The first argument of the article is how to help minimize the frustration between older managers and Millennials. Lisa Orrell is the author of “Millennials Incorporated” and she advises companies on how to deal with Generation Y. She points out that Millennials do not feel valued or respected. One of the issues companies asks Orrell is “how to reduce the friction in the workplace?,” I could not agree more with her explanation that people will leave their managers, not the company. Companies need to adapt and “fire mediocre managers.”

Reuteman mentions Dan Epstein to back up his arguments about the “culture clash” between Baby Boomers and Generation Y. Epstein is CEO of ReSource Pro, and 90 percent of his employees are Millennials. He sees a problem with mangers who expect millennials to respond well to the same training they received. This leads to a culture clash as millennials expect more accolades and faster promotions. Epstein counters this by rewarding the employees more often, having annual employee surveys and providing tasks that allow for creativity.

As Epstein mentioned culture clash, Tammy Erickson emphasized it. She is an executive fellow who directs a leadership program for senior executives. She is also the author of “Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving

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