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Analize a Web


Submitted By ajrossi12
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Analyzing a Web Page
Amanda J. Rossi
BSHS 352
June 24, 2011

Suicide Prevention Resource Center “The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) provides prevention support, training, and resources to assist organizations and individuals to develop suicide prevention programs, interventions and policies, and to advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.” (SPRC, 1994) This organization stepped up in 2001 due to the increase in suicides. The fact of the matter is, there were not enough mental health individuals to help people who were reaching out for help, until this company came into play. The Suicide Prevention resource Center offers different programs and interventions for people who feel they have suicidal thoughts and the people who work there will do anything in their power to avoid any suicides. The locations are only in Massachusetts and Washington DC, however there are phones there for anyone who feels the need to call and speak to someone. Sometimes clients like this better because you can not see the person on the other end of the phone call and clients feel as if they are not judged as easily. As another site says right on the top of their page, “Time heals all wounds is not necessarily true for survivors of suicide. Time is necessary for healing, but time is not enough. Shared feelings enrich and lead to growth and healing.” (Anonymous, 2001) This site really tries to get the people who are looking at it for a reason, the help they need. It completely directs them to the right spot in order tog et help if they are willing The only problem with websites is you can not control the person or tell them what to do, it is all on them and they have to do it all on their own. Going to a suicidal prevention site is the step in the right direction but hopefully not the last for anyone.
Value and Relevance The value and relevance of this website is to steer anyone away from suicide and try to get them on the right track. A client might look at this site and find it to be a bit overwhelming. However, the truth is that when a client wants help and feels they have nowhere else to turn, the internet might be all the help they need. Being able to speak over the phone to someone who is willing to help one talk him or herself out of a suicidal situation might be more positive than actually going to talk to someone and feeling judged. Either way, this site is important to clients because they need to know there is help out there and they are not alone. When a human service agency looks at this site, they might want to work together with the organization and try and help others. Working together might cause more work, however it can also give workers more advice and more learning experience to be able to help other suicidal people in the near future.
Suicide, the Website When someone in need is looking for help, and they type in suicidal help on the internet, they will find real help, and fraud. On one site, they writer states “Life may be absolutely unbearable. You may want to just close your eyes and cease to exist.” (Clark, 1997) When a person in need might look at this site, they might continue reading and take the site in the complete wrong manner. Even if this person who made this site is trying to help others by telling them to get help, they are not helping because they are stating how the suicidal person feels and possibly giving them more ideas. All in all, the first site and many others are important and hold high relevance and importance to one who is in need of help.
Ironically, this class just started as I lost a friend due to suicide last week. I chose this topic because I found it very interesting to know what kind of help people would look for if they had nowhere to turn, as my friend. Knowing there is help out there like website and people is known but it is so hard for people according to the listed websites I have visited, to actually do it by them. They need the support of others.

Anonymous, . (2001). Survivors of suicide. Retrieved from

Clark, Melody. (1997). Suicidal. Retrieved from

SPRC, . (1994). Suicide prevention resource center. Retrieved from

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...Apple Kompanija je osnovana 1. aprila 1976. godine od strane Steve Jobs-a, Steve Wozniak-a i Ronald Wayne-a. Za razliku od mnogih kompanija čiji su počeci bili u garažama, Apple-ova prva „kancelarija“ se nalazila u jednoj spavaćoj sobi u Los Altos-u. Pre nego što su osnovali Apple, sva trojica osnivača su radila za Atari. Apple-1 sa ispisanim „Byte into an Apple“ je prvi personalni računar koji je kompanija prodala za 666.66 dolara. Bio je dizajniran i ručno napravljen od strane Woznik-a. 3. januara 1977. godine, Apple postaje korporacija ali bez svog suosnivača Ronald Wayne-a, koji je svoj deo kompanije prodao Jobs-u i Wozniak-u za 800 dolara. Prvi logo kompanije Apple je dizajnirao Ronald Wayne. Na prvom logou bio je prikazan Isak Njutn kako sedi ispod jabokovog drveta kada je otkrio gravitaciju; okolo ivica logoa bila je ispisana pesma „Newton...a mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought.“ Ime Macintosh dolazi od imena vrste jabuka. Ron Janoff je 1977. godine redizajnirao logo. Jedinu instrukciju koju je dobio od Jobs-a je bila „nemoj da bude sladak.“ On je tada ponudio dva dizajna, jedan sa griznutom jabukom i jedan bez. Svima nam je dobro poznato koji je Jobs izabrao. Prema urbanoj legendi, razlog zbog koga je izabrana odgrizena jabuka je bio odavanje počasti kompjuterskom geniju Alan Turing-u koji je izvršio samoubistvo tako što je zagrizao otrovnu jabuku. Apple-ov prvi kompjuter grafičkim korisničkim interfejsom (GUI) je nazvan Apple Lisa. Glasine su...

Words: 2419 - Pages: 10

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Soft Life Cycle

...Internship Report Excellence in Innovation MARKETING STRATEGY OF WEBSITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT FOR ASHIYAN GROUP Submitted to: Ms. Sohana Wadud Ahmad Submitted by: Internship Supervisor BBS Department Md. Ashif Minhaj BRAC University ID: 08104032 BBS Department BRAC University To Sohana Wadud Ahmad Lecturer (Internship Supervisor) BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Madam, It gives me enormous pleasure to submit the internship report on Marketing Strategy for Website Design & Development of Ashiyan Group as per your instruction. I expect this report to be informative as well as comprehensive. Working in Bengal Solutions Limited was an inspiring experience for me. I feel the immense knowledge and experience will facilitate me a lot in my future career life. With my limited knowledge, I have tried my level best to prepare the report worthwhile. Your acceptance and appreciation would surely inspire me. For any further explanations about the report, I will be gladly available to clarify the ins and outs. Sincerely Yours Md. Ashif Minhaj ID – 08104032 BBS Department BRAC University Marketing Strategy of Website Design & Development for Ashiyan Group Page 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have completed my internship in Bengal Solutions Limited at Mohakhali...

Words: 8739 - Pages: 35

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Business Plan

... angajaţii 7 1.9 Descrierea produselor şi a servicilor 8 1.9.1 Proiectarea şi realizarea paginilor web 8 1.9.2 Realizare designului pentru paginile create 8 1.9.3 Implementarea softwere 8 1.9.4 Mentenenţă softwere 8 1.10  Analiza mediului extern al firmei 9 1.11 Analiza PEST 10 1.11.1 Mediul Politic 10 1.11.2 Mediul Economie 11 1.11.3 Mediul Social 11 1.11.4 Mediul Tehnologic 11 1.12 Planul de marketing 11 1.12.1 Descrierea Pieţei 11 1.12.2 Segmentul de piaţă căruia ne adresăm 12 1.13 Concurenţa 12 1.14 Analiza SWOT 13 1.15 Strategia de marketing 14 1.15.1 Obiectivele de marketing 14 1.15.2 Mixul de marketing 15 1.16 Previziunea vânzărilor 17 1.17 Planul de management 18 1.17.1 Misiunea şi obiectivele generale 18 1.17.2 Planul operaţional 18 1.17.3 Riscurile associate ideii de afacere 19 2.1 Prezentarea situaţiei actuale a firmei 21 2.2 Prezentarea ipotezelor pe care se bazează previziunile 21 2.3 Prezentarea situaţiei previzionate 21 2.3.1 Fluxul de numerar 21 2.3.2 Factorii care influenţează fluxul de numerar 22 2.4 Bugetul de Cheltuieli 22 Prezentarea concluzilor……………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………… 23 INTRODUCERE SC Innovation SRL este o firmă din domeniul IT care are ca scop principal elaborarea unor programe pentru calculatoare care să fie de o preformanţă înaltă, realizarea paginilor web şi implementarea unui design potrivit şi util pentru...

Words: 7717 - Pages: 31