Premium Essay

Analyse the Factors That Cause Differences in the Hazards Posed by Volcanoes Around the World.


Submitted By gyroflux
Words 637
Pages 3
Hazards will be an unfortunate result of a volcano. They are defined by their ability to effect any property and life that can be lost due to the hazard and halts and slows the productive sustainability of a population. Ultimately the physical effects of a volcano will define the hazards. In different places that the volcanoes occur there are different plate margins (Destructive and constructive) that will create different types of hazards. These hazards will include; lava flows, mudflows, pyroclastic flows, ash clouds etc.

The majority of the hazards that occur are posed by physical reasons. The underlying reason that the hazards occur is due to the plate margins. The first type of plate margin is Constructive. Constructive plate margins will create a volcano due to the plates moving apart form each other. Due to the immense pressure on the plates, it causes the mantle to melt, producing magma. This magma will rise due to its density and erupts as a volcano. An example of a volcano of this nature is in Iceland. Eyjafjallajökull is situated on the island of Iceland classified as an MEDC and has a population of 300,000.

Iceland has been prone to volcanic eruptions for centuries, however in 2010 it erupted on a global scale. The main hazard that occurred from the eruption was Joküllhaup. This occurred due to the sublimation of glacial ice mixing with ash, to produce fine glassy ash particles. This was a major set back to the world’s airspace as the ash had entered the international flight path. Over 107,000 flights were cancelled over the 8-day ban causing a loss of over $200 million a day. Basaltic lava will occur at constructive plate margins. In the eruption of 2010, 100 million cubic metres of lava erupted. Due to the fast moving basaltic lava the Icelandic government had to evacuate 500 residents from the surrounding areas.

However constructive plate

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