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Analysis Of The Arbinger Institute: Understanding Self Deception

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Pages 5
Understanding Self-Deception
The Arbinger Institute presents a creative narrative to illustrate the potential we all have for self-betrayal; acting toward others in ways incongruent with what we know to be ethical and proper. Once embarking on the path of self-betrayal, the authors suggest the resulting actions and responses of both parties tend to be self-fulfilling resulting in ever increasing frustration, guilt and justification. Much like a live microphone placed in front of its own speaker, an emotional loop or limbic resonance (Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee, 2002, p. 48) develops, amplifying previously unnoticed static into ear-piercing and unavoidable problems.
Over time, one’s perspective becomes distorted; viewing people and circumstances through a tinted lens. Paul describes this human disorder as a man attempting to view the world through the reflection of a dirty mirror (1 Corinthians 13:12). Therefore, his actions, products of this blurred reality, are confused; providing others with the justification for responding out of their own distorted reality. Each party offers the other every reason to continue mistrusting and misinterpreting one another.
A Biblical Example of Self-Deception
Although the book advocates …show more content…
God suggests that when he came searching Judah for “justice” (“mišp̱âṭ”, Goodrick, Kohlenberger, & Swanson, 1999) he found only “bloodshed” (“miśp̱âḥ”, Goodrick et al., 1999), and in place of “righteousness” (“ṣeḏâqâ”, Goodrick et al., 1999) he found “a cry of distress” (“ṣa‘ăqâ”, Goodrick et al., 1999). This is how self-deception works; the alternatives have a ring of truth, but their outcome is antithetical. When we buy into the lie, we forfeit our physical and spiritual security; placing ourselves outside of God's protection and rebuffing his daily care and

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