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Annotated Reference List


Submitted By mskeaton90
Words 313
Pages 2
APRIL 26, 2015

Annotated Reference List
Success in Educational Leadership: An Annotated Reference List
Lumpkin, A. (2008). Three Keys to Success for Principals (and Their Teachers). Kappa Delta Pi Record, 45(1), 22-25.
This article emphasizes three keys to the success of principals: “values, people, and teamwork” (Lumpkin, 2008, 22). The success of principals trickles down to the success of the school’s teachers and student learning. This article is considered scholarly because it has gone through the peer-review process. It is also therefore a source of academic authority.
Roberson, S., & Roberson, R. (2009). The Role and Practice of the Principal in Developing Novice First-Year Teachers. Clearing House: A Journal Of Educational Strategies, Issues And Ideas, 82(3), 113-118.
New teachers are added to schools on a regular basis. It is the responsibility of the principal to ensure these new teachers are successful, so the students also may be successful. Roberson and Roberson discuss two proven strategies to help principals successfully develop novice teachers (2009). These strategies involve establishing regular professional developmental meetings with the new teachers and providing them with meaningful feedback. This article has been peer-reviewed and therefore the content is considered to be scholarly. The peer-review process is also the source of academic authority.
Supon, V. (2008). High-Stakes Testing: Strategies by Teachers and Principals for Student Success. Journal Of Instructional Psychology, 35(3), 306-308.
Student success is often a reflection of their teachers and principals. High-stakes testing is a way to measure student learning, performance, and ultimately their success. This article is a culmination of recommendations by teachers and principals to prepare and motivate students for high-stakes testing in an attempt to raise

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