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Anxiety And Obsessive-Compulsive Disor

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The term “anxiety” refers to a general state of dread or uneasiness that occurs in response to an imagined danger. Usually, it is characterized by nervousness, inability to relax, and concern about losing control. Physical symptoms include trembling, sweating, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and feelings of lightheadedness (Rathus, 2007). While everyone feels anxious at some point or another, it can turn into a problem for many people. If a person constantly feels anxious, or their anxiety is out of proportion to the situation provoking it, then they may have an anxiety disorder, which can interfere with their daily lives in terms of emotional comfort and life satisfaction.
There are many types of anxiety disorders. …show more content…
Obsessions are involuntary, seemingly uncontrollable thoughts or impulses that occur over and over again in one’s mind. Compulsions are behaviors that one feels driven to act out again and again (HelpGuide, 2015). The exact cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder is unknown, but studies suggest certain factors have an influence on whether or not a person gets it. Biological factors may play a role in the disorder; changes in one’s brain functions may be a main cause. Some environmental factors may also play a role, such as infections.Symptoms include fear of being contaminated by germs, fear of losing something one might need, the idea that everything must be in order and symmetrical, excessive double-checking of things like locks and switches, and repeatedly checking in on loved ones to make sure they are safe (HelpGuide, 2015). To diagnose obsessive-compulsive disorder, a doctor may do a physical exam, lab tests, and a psychological evaluation. The most effective treatment for the disorder is cognitive-behavioral …show more content…
Post-traumatic stress disorder is characterized as intense, persistent feelings of anxiety, and it is caused by an extremely traumatic event. Symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, nightmares, numbness of feelings, avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma, and increased tension (Rathus, 2007). It is diagnosed based on signs and symptoms, as well as a thorough psychological evaluation. Treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder includes psychotherapy and medication. Like PTSD, acute stress disorder follows a traumatic event. However, the symptoms occur immediately or at most within a month of the event. The anxiety lasts a shorter period of time, from a few days to a few weeks. Symptoms of acute stress disorder include developing severe anxiety and being dissociative. To diagnose this disorder, doctors ask their patients a series of questions, and make sure to rule out any other factors that may be causing the problem, such as drug abuse, medications, or health problems. Treatment of acute stress disorder includes medication, cognitive behavior therapy, and exposure-based therapy (Healthline, 2012). It is best to seek treatment for stress disorders as soon as possible.
Anxiety disorders are among the most common of all the psychological disorders. They can start out as simple occasional anxiety or nervousness, and become more severe over time. If a person experiences constant anxiety,

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