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Apol 104 Quiz 6 Study Guide


Submitted By jadefeb14
Words 319
Pages 2
APOL 104 Quiz 6 Study Guide
1. “I believe that abortion is morally right because a majority of people in this community believe it to be so”. - This is an example of:

2. Some forms of deterministic thinking describe certain behaviors as a matter of genetic destiny rather than personal choice.

3. By definition, “__________________” is the blending of ideas and values from different or opposing worldviews.

4. The cultural relativist believes that moral beliefs are nothing more than cultural norms.

5. A moral absolute would be true for all people at all times, and is not subject to change.

6. This philosophy asserts that all human actions can ultimately be understood by observing cause and effect

7. “__________________” said that “Man is the measure of all things

8. These theories specifically focus on the results/end of an act to determine the morality of that act.

9. Which of the following statements gives the best description/s of Subjectivism:

10. John Calvin’s teachings may be considered by some to be an example of:

11. The subjectivity of defining pleasure means that a hedonist could justify injustices.

12. A theistic determinist believes that everything must be determined by God for Him to remain sovereign.

13. The Old Testament law was intended by God to save man from their sin.

14. “_________________” is the idea that self-interest or personal happiness should be the goal of all actions.

15. By definition, “__________________” is the view that right and wrong depends upon one’s culture, social group, or personal perspective

16. “Soft” determinism is not as fatalistic in nature as hard determinism.

17. The subjective relativist believes that truth is subject to individual interpretation and experience.

18. Hedonism does not acknowledge the existence of moral absolutes.

19. As Christians, the Bible should be

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