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Approaches to Management


Submitted By derthilo
Words 1126
Pages 5
Describing what management is and how it should function within a company is not always easy, as managing a company is a task covering lots of different areas the company has to deal with. As a manager you do not only have to apply hard skills like planning investments but also soft skills like team management and motivation. Therefore finding a universal approach, serving solutions to every question a manager could be confronted with, is a topic already keeping scientists and managers busy for centuries. As the industrial revolution with its principles of labor division and separation of ownership and control caused major changes in company structures, a tremendous amount of approaches has been developed. These very first approaches were extended with new findings or replaced, as they had weaknesses in certain areas. Nevertheless newer approaches also have their problems.
In his work a manager is basically confronted with 4 different tasks, which build one continuous process of leading a company: Planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
In the field of planning the manager has to take care of the right definition of goals, as well as finding the right strategies to achieve these goals. (Heather Rothbauer-Wanish, Source 4)
The organizing process is about identifying the work to be done for accomplishing the determined goals and then assigning the necessary work to jobs, which are carried out by separate people or groups in the company, each dependent on the work of the other persons or groups. (Robbins & Coulter, 2009, Source1) The Leading process now is about working with and through people, to achieve the goals that were set. This action requires hiring of people, training, motivating and guiding the workers towards a better performance. (Robbins & Coulter, 2009, Source1)
Finally everything that the processes of planning, organizing and leading have

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