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Are They Rich Haappy


Submitted By dasari123
Words 991
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2015 List of Committees & Organization Reports(Jan – Nov)
Committee Name

Report Title

Committee Head

Shantha Kumar Panel
Law Commission of India
Law Commission of India
Controller-General of
Patents, Designs and
Trademarks (CGPDTM)
Brand Finance

Report on FCI restructuring
Report on electoral reforms
Report on Death Penalty
Lion Census report 2015

Shanta Kumar
Justice DK Jain
Justice DK Jain

Shri Ashok Gajapathi Raju and Dr. Mahesh Sharma

Indian Civil Aviation: At the
Cusp of Taking off


Annual list of the richest
Monitoring of Pesticide
Report on Delhi MLA’s salary package
TechSci Research Report
Report on Bankruptcy Law
Top Secret Doping: How
Russia makes its Winners”
To suggest reforms to the
Joint Entrance Examination
Report dealt with shell companies and beneficial ownership. Report on Innovation submitted its report recommending private funding for R&D
Report on illegal migrants from Bangladesh

Union Ministry of
Achary Panel
Dr T K Viswanathan
Independent commission (IC)
Committee of Eminent
Persons on JEE
Justice MB Shah-headed SIT on Black Money
NITI Aayog panel

Upamanyu Hazarika

Annual report on Patent filing in India
Most valuable brand in India
100 Report

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PDT Achary

Dr T K Viswanathan
Richard W. Pound
Prof Ashok Misra

Justice MB Shah

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Report Title

Australian Centre for Financial
Studies (ACFS) and Mercer
Baker & McKenzie
Brand Finance
Cardiology Society of India(CSI)

Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index (MMGPI) report 2015
Top ten investors in the USA in 2015
World’s most valued “Nation Brand”
Survey report on prevalence of cardiovascular disease in India
Report on FDI destination
Internet-Threat Security for the Year 2014
2015 Report :Internet freedom is partly free in India
World Press Freedom Index 2015

Financial Times
France-based international nongovernmental organization Reporters
Without Borders
Grant Thornton
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Monetary Fund(IMF)
International Telecommunication
Legatum Institute
Moody’s Investors Service
Mospi report
Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development
Report on Beef export
Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute
Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute (SIPRI)
Thomson Reuters
TripAdvisor cost comparison Study
UK Trade and Industry
UN Broadband Commission
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
(United Nations Children's
United Nations Office for Disaster
Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
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International Business Report (IBR)
Internet in India 2015 report
Global Financial Stability Report October 2015
Report on growth rate
Measuring the Information Society Report 2015
Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2015
Global Prosperity Index
Global Green Bonds Market
Global carbon dioxide emission
Government at a Glance 2015

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Exporter of Arms in the World
Year book 2015-12-03(nuclear arsenal, despite a global trend towards disarmament)
Report on consumer of gold
TripIndex Breakfast 2015
Inward Investment Report 2014-15
State of Broadband Report 2015
Trade and Development Report 2015
I am Here, I belong on Need to End Childhood
Unless We Act Now
The Human Cost of Weather Related Disasters
Global Investment Trend Monitor Report
Gender and Education for All 2000-2015 Report
Global happiness index
Generator of e-waste world hunger list
How AIDS changed everything – MDG 6: 15 years,
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United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
United Nations(UN)
US Nuclear Notebook report
US State Department
USA - Save the Children
WHO(World Health Organization)

15 lesson of hope from the AIDS response”
World Population Prospects:The 2015 Revision
Report on broadband penetration
Global Forest Resources Assessment (GFRA) 2015 report The World Women 2015 : Trends and Statistics report Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2015
Report on prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Asia-Pacific region Report on impacts of Biodegradable plastics on marine environment
Air borne pollution in Asia
Largest n-power by 2025: report

World Bank
World Bank

International Religious Freedom Report 2014
2015 Mother’s Index State of the World’s Mothers
Probability of death by Non Communicable Diseases is high in India
Global tuberculosis Report
Global Tobacco Epidemic Report
Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015
Reducing global health risks through mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants
Global doping report for 2013
Scaling the Heights: Social inclusion and sustainable development
Ease of doing business – 2015
India’s Poverty Rate Lowest Among Nations with
Poor Population
Report of Doing Business 2016
Report on Arab Spring Revolution

World Bank

World’s largest remittance recipient

World Bank

Migration and Development Brief

World Bank
World Bank
World Bank
World Economic Forum(WEF)
World Economic Forum(WEF)

Leveraging Urbanisation in South Asia
World Bank’s semi-annual report
The State of Social Safety Nets 2015
Global competitiveness report 2015-2016
Global Gender Gap Report 2015

World Federation of Exchanges
World’s wealthiest private
World Wide Fund (WWF)

Highest number of listed companies in the world

WHO(World Health Organization)
WHO(World Health Organization)
WHO(World Health Organization)
WHO(World Health Organization)
World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA)
World Bank
World Bank
World Bank

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Ultrahigh Net Worth (UHNW)
HiddenHimalayas: Asia’s Wonderland released

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