Premium Essay

Argumentative Essay On Microaggression

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Words 785
Pages 4
The term microaggression is defined as a subtle but offensive comment or action directed at a minority or other non-dominant group that is often unintentional or unconsciously reinforces a stereotype. The word micro is defined as small, very small in comparison with others of its kind, which in my opinion is exactly what microagression is, too small to even be considered an issue. Some might say my opinion is invalid since I do not belong to any minority groups nor have I had to deal with microagression, but I believe that this is more so an issue on the rights of citizens and free speech that is our born right in United States of America. Now I don’t believe everyone should be going around saying offensive statements to individuals or groups …show more content…
In one chance a man was killed over perceived microaggressions that in my opinion where just common place phrases that were taken too seriously. Advocates of free speech calm to support free speech but it seems as though that their support is only extended to themselves and the individuals that agree with their perspectives. They believe individuals should be able to say whatever they want as long as it doesn’t differ from their opinion.
I believe microaggression policies are not something we should implement on college campuses and are a dangerous path toward infringing individual’s freedom of speech granted to every citizen by the 2nd amendment. I think we need to change our view as a society and learn to let things go. Our country needs to focus on macro events of racism and bigotry instead of these small scale unintentionally acts of

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