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Asses Limitations of Structured Interviews


Submitted By fuzzetta
Words 370
Pages 2
Biomass is solar energy that has been stored as plant and animal material. When you eat vegetables, you are consuming the sun´s energy the plant stored as it grew. Your body uses the vegetables´ biomass to give you energy to work and play.
When corn is used to make biomass energy, cleaner-burning fuels can be produced, such as ethanol.
At landfills, where most of the waste is biomass, a gas called methane is naturally produced. Methane gas can be used to generate electricity.
Sunlight helps all living things grow. Energy from sunlight is called solar energy.
Solar energy makes it possible for plants, animals and people to live on Earth. The Earth is basically a huge solar energy collector because it collects the energy from the sun. This energy comes in different forms. One form is from direct sunlight used by plants to grow. Another form of energy heats the air that causes wind.
Water is evaporated when sunlight falls on the oceans. Then when the evaporated water cools in the air, it falls back to Earth as rain and becomes rivers and lakes. All of these forms of energy are used indirectly as wind, biomass and hydroelectric power, and directly as solar energy. Solar energy is called thermal energy and photovoltaic energy.
Our supply of solar energy can never be used up and is readily available. Therefore solar energy is a type of renewable energy. It is not like fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, which are also called non-renewable energy. Solar energy is a clean energy source that does not create pollution that can be harmful to all living things. If you use solar energy, you may not have to depend on anyone for your energy needs.
There is a great amount of power in the solar energy that arrives on Earth. This powerful energy is measured in units called watts per square meter. The amount of power from the sun that reaches the earth at noon on a clear day is about 1,000 Watts per square meter. This would be the same as a 100-Watt light bulb completely focused on a surface the size of a large notebook.

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