Premium Essay

Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima


Submitted By rt19
Words 373
Pages 2
The United States was wrong to drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan. The U.S sunk to shocking extremes to make sure that Japan would surrender. The bombs were dropped on two harmless Japanese cities. According to various sources, Japan would have surrendered even if the bombs were not dropped.

Yes, the Japanese military did bomb Pearl Harbor when the U.S. was not involved in the war. And yes, the U.S. did have the right to fight back, but not like it did. The U.S. might have wanted to give Japan a taste of its own medicine, but it shouldn’t have overdosed the Japanese. The U.S. is a Christian nation, and Japan practices Buddhism. In the Christian Bible, it says “An eye for an eye; and a tooth for a tooth”, but Buddha disagrees with that and stated “An eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind” I might be Roman Catholic, but I strongly agree with the words of Buddha.

Pearl Harbor was a military based ship harbor, so no innocent civilians were killed during that bombing. The United States, instead of bombing a Japanese military base, bombed two Japanese cities that were not controlled by the Japanese military. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the two cities that the U.S. dropped the Atomic Bombs on, were completely ruined. Elderly, women, and children were murdered by the bombs. The U.S. also destroyed and burned down Shinto and Buddhist temples, schools, hospitals, living quarters, etc.

One day before the bombing of Nagasaki, the Japanese Emperor let Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo know about his desire to “insure a prompt ending of hostilities.” In my opinion, if the U.S. didn’t spend so much time on building those two bombs and tried to civilly end the war with Japan, the war could have ended much sooner. The U.S. put all its attention on the bombs that it didn’t realize that Japan was already trying to surrender.

Dropping the Atomic Bombs was a completely

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