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Submitted By arsalan500
Words 2634
Pages 11
MAT1001 Discussion Questions
The Digital Edition of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications by Bittinger, Ellenbogen, & Johnson, 5th edition 2010.
* For each week’s Discussion Question assignment, complete the problem(s) associated with the letter that corresponds with your name. NOTE: (As you scroll through the remaining pages of this document, you will find the problems you need to complete for each week. For example, you can find Week 1’s list of problems on page 3, Week 2’s list of problems on page 3, etc.) * Please show all of the steps needed to solve your problem(s). No credit will be awarded for responses containing only the answers – your reasoning and calculations must be included. * Be sure that your post includes the textbook section and the problem numbers, so your classmates can find your problems in the textbook. * Remember to do all of the problems assigned. * Respond to the postings of at least two other students. You can * ask a question about your classmate’s solution * offer help when you see an error, or * seek help in completing your own problems.
Remember that nonsubstantive posts such as “Good job!” will not count toward your participation score. * You will note that no one is assigned the first problems in each textbook section. These may serve as practice problems, and will help prepare you for the more challenging questions that are assigned.

Week 1 – Discussion Question – Assignment 2 If your last name begins with | Please complete | A | Sec. 8.1 #68 | , | Sec. 8.2 #2, 4 & 6 | and | Sec. 8.3 #16 | B | Sec. 8.1 #36 | , | Sec. 8.2 #8 | and | Sec. 8.3 #18 | C | Sec. 8.1 #34 | , | Sec. 8.2 #10 | and | Sec. 8.3 #20 | D | Sec. 8.1 #32 | , | Sec. 8.2 #12 | and | Sec. 8.3 #22 | E | Sec. 8.1 #30 | , |

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