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Audit News


Submitted By nine318
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Government Accountability Office




1921 1949 60










2004 Accountability GAO


1921 Governmental Accountability Office

GAO 2009 Act GAO ARRP GAO 2010 2015 GAO GAO GAO GAO GAO The American Recovery and Reinvestment Troubled Assets Relieve Program TARP 2009 4 2010 4 1675





2001 GAO GAO 2000 GAO

No Child Left Behind Act 2011 1982 GAO 3

10 14


1986 1992


GAO the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services






GAO Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Environmental Protection Agency



Cost-Benefit Analysis GAO CBA





GAO 2009 GAO 2009


30 GAO


1993 62






GAO 2008 2012





. 2010. . 2010.

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2 .

GAO. 2011. Southwest Border: Border Patrol Operations on Federal Lands, Washington DC No: GAO-11-573T. GAO. 2011. Refugee Assistance: Little Is Known about the Effectiveness of Different Approaches for Improving Refugees’ Employment Outcomes, Washington DC No: GAO-11-573T. GAO. 2010. STRATEGIC PLAN 2010-2015. GAO. 2010. Recovery Act: Opportunities to Improve Management and Strengthen Accountability over States' and Localities' Uses of Funds. Washington DC No: GAO-10-999. GAO. 2010. Recovery Act: Further Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Oversight of Broadband Stimulus Programs. Washington DC No: GAO-10-823. GAO. 2010. Recovery Act: States' and Localities' Current and Planned Uses of Funds While Facing Fiscal Stresses. Washington DC No: GAO-09-831T. GAO, 2009. No Child Left Behind Act: Enhancements in the Department of Education’s Review Process Could Improve State Academic assessments, Washington DC. No: GAO-09-911. GAO. 2007. Small Business Innovation Research: Agencies Need to Strengthen Efforts to Improve the Completeness, Consistency, and Accuracy of Awards Data, Washington DC. No: GAO-07-38. GAO. 2005. Federal Research: Observation on the Small Business Innovation Research Program, Washington DC. No: GAO-05-861T. GAO. 2005. CLEAN AIR ACT Observations on EPA’s Cost-Benefit Analysis of Its Mercury Control Options. Washington DC. No: GAO-05-252. GAO. 1999. Evaluation of Small Business Innovation Research Can be Strengthened, Washington DC. No: GAO/RCED-99-114. GAO. 1992. Federal Research: Small Business Innovation Research Programs Shows Success But Could Be Strengthened. Washington DC. No: GAO/RcED-92-37. GAO. 1989. Federal Research: Assessment of Small Business Innovation Research Programs, Washington DC. No: GAO/RcED-89-39.

The Audit of Public Policy in America: Analysis and Enlightenment
Xu Zhen
Abstract: At the end of 1970s, the new public management movement sprang up, which core feature being the concern of the public sector efficiency and responsibility. This movement had far reaching impacts on the theory and practice of management in the public sector. It not only promote the reform of budget management system, but also lay a foundation for development of the theory and practice of public policy evaluation. Having been developed for nearly a century, as an independent supervisory authority, GAO plays an increasingly important role in Congressional and Federal Affairs. After introducing the process and analyzing the characteristics of the GAO’s auditing in public policy evaluation, we put forward a series of recommendations for Chinese national audit to implement and realize the “immune system” function. Keywords: public policy, audit, evaluation


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Graduate Student

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