Premium Essay

Autism Linked to Vaccinations


Submitted By gcarter67
Words 2423
Pages 10
Gregory Carter
Comp II
Mr. Best
Final Paper
Is there a link between vaccines and Autism?
For many years now there has been an intense debate over the link between the cause of Autism and vaccinations. Since its appearance in the medical community the cause has come under much scrutiny. Research has been conducted by many leading scientist, always to be debunked by skeptics worldwide. The historic timeline for Autism always seems to correlate to an outbreak in new treatments and vaccinations. Some communities worldwide do not receive vaccinations and have no symptoms of Autism within their population, while there are others that do receive them and show no symptoms either. Based on these factors, one cannot surely believe there if there is a link between vaccines and Autism.
Although Autism has become more common today than in the past, it is still very much misunderstood. Many people think that it is a disease, something contagious however it is a disorder, not a disease. There are many forms of Autism, labeled in the Autistic spectrum disorder, however it is a very complex disorder that affects the brain, and the immune system (A Medical mystery 2). The severity varies from child to child but the symptoms are pretty typical ranging from social skills, sensory issues, to slurred speech and uncontrollable body movements. It affects children of all ages but most commonly diagnosed around the age of three (2). The disorder crosses all economic and social boundaries, however back at the beginning stages it was more common in well educated, middle class families.
As of today, the United States has the highest number of mandated vaccines for children under age five (Age 1). The latest recommendation for vaccines are thirty six vaccines for children five and under, double that of the thirty countries studied. The United States also has the highest Autism rate in

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