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Avoiding Plagarism


Submitted By beckyl08
Words 505
Pages 3
I will be drafting a paper discussing the following points: 1. The importance of giving credit for the works that are not your own. 2. What elements of writing need to be addressed to ensure academic honesty? 3. The importance of telling the reader where your information is from when you paraphrasing or quoting someone else. 4. The support that a tutor, editor, or proofreader can bring to the process. 5. A conclusion that reflects your perspective after completing the assignment.

Avoiding Unintentional Plagiarism
After reading the article by R.L. Foster avoiding unintentional plagiarism, I will be discussing the issues of paraphrasing and plagiarism. It is important to avoid plagiarism because it is important to give credit to the original authors, people who show academic honesty are trusted by their peers and professors, and people who make the effort to avoid plagiarism gain writing skills.
R.L. Foster says the “following are the three common pitfalls.” 1. Inadequately Citing Original Work Because It Would Require Multiple Citations.
This is when several sentences are needed to describe another’s ideas; it seem redundant to place a citation after each sentence, so there are times that a writer will sometimes reference selected ideas and not others 2. Paraphrasing to Avoid Quotation Marks.
Foster says “paraphrasing means rephrasing original work such that the ideas are intact but the phrasing is completely different.” Foster also says “to avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever you use: * another person’s idea, opinion, or theory; * any facts, statistics, graphs, drawing-any pieces of information that are not common knowledge; * quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words (Writing Tutorial
Services, 2004 para.2).”
Purdue Online Writing Lab tells us “that there are brief lists of

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