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Submitted By yan228287
Words 764
Pages 4
Axeon Group
Christine Smith, Xiaoyan Zheng, Carmen A Oketch, David Walton
1. How seriously should Brennan take the allegations against Sears?
We agree that the allegations against Sears should be taken seriously. Because Sears has a lot to lose. At first, Sears loses its service center licenses. Second, its stock price falls down due to the revocation of the auto repair licenses. Third, there is a bad effect on its revenues. Sears has experienced a 15% drop in its auto center revenues nationwide. At last, the customer’s trust in Sears is badly damaged. It is highly difficult to restore when breaking the customer’s trust.
Also, it seems that the study did have some flaws. The cars did appear to have wear and tear from mechanical problems, so some of the technician’s repair suggestions may have been valid based on what they saw.
2. Which of the alleged practices, if any, do you find problematic? Why?
We agree that providing unnecessary repair services was the most problematic thing Sears did. Sears established the commissions pay structure in order to boost sales. This control management did not ask auto technicians to do anything unethical. However, mistakes may have been made. In order to meet sales quotas, the employees may offer more repairs including unnecessary repairs to customers. This rewarding system actually encouraged these wrongdoings.
Another problematic practice that the presenters did not address was advertising a “low-ball” price of $59.95 for a brake job. Customers come in the door thinking they are getting a simple brake job for $59.95, but the president of Allied Signals Brake Division said a realistic price for a brake job is $175-$200. The $59.95 price was only realistic if only the brake pads had to be replaced, and Sears own belief was that calipers should be replaced at the same time as the brake pads. Sears was advertising such a low

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