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Ayk Unit 1


Submitted By xmichaelx713
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Unit 1 Applying Your Knowledge

Control Human Population
1.) Ever since the early 1900’s the concern for controlling the worlds population has been into effect. This problem arose due to the shear principle of not being able to provide for every U.S.citizen. It’s was stated that because of this; limiting the populations birth rate was in effect, and man made diseases were made (swine flu, aids, small pox etc.). It was made to reduce the population in order to control the goods/activity everyone endures on a daily basis. Not only would this limit everyones intake, but it also would help to understand what guidelines their population control will have to withstand. In order to do that there has to a biological connection to document every beings routine. This is where the RFID chip was made to express certain data, from certain individuals to the beholder. Personally I feel with certain experiments and enhanced research there has to be a beneficial solution other than derogatory.

Produce Enough Fresh Food For The Population
As the population is at an all time rapid high the concern for genuine product is becoming more of a demand. Its because of events like this that products such as Genetically Modified Organisms were made. These are organisms who's genetic material has been altered using “genetic techniques.” This leaves the theory of almost every food that we consume is altered in some sense. Which leaves me to believe that not every food is healthy, and what exactly defines a food as healthy. In contrast, the meat we eat on a daily basis has also been misleading with the uncertainty of proper catering to the cattle (organic food, healthy). Not to mention the proper nutritions it takes to grow crops or feed cattle (meat) those expectations just aren't meant with the lack of proper care. Personally, I feel scientists could also experiment with certain soils, and certain climates that could be made or set aside for more goods.

Climate Changes
With the North and South pole, shape shifting; the equator is tilting more on its axis causing a drastic change in weather. In todays modern generation (2014) we’ve come to notice a lot of distinct weather outbreaks that have happened recently. All the snow storms, and blizzards amongst the East cost; along with cold places staying warmer in winter weather (CO unique weather).Not to mention the specific hot places that are receiving snow (TX); just comes show the ways of the Green House Effect, and how much certain radiation can’t only effect our climate but our means of reproducing produce as well. In addition, there has also been effects by the man-made governmental machine by the name of the HAARP machine that also controls our climate. The effects of this machine enhances and endures the effects from radiation to a certain degree. Additionally, you can also look at the perspective of pollution (gas, fumes, etc.) alternating the climate change because of the lack of oxygen that is able to be produced as opposed to the worlds populations’ pollution.

Curing Diseases
There have been numerous diseases that the human generation has endured; for instance the deadly Small pox, or Black Plague. Somehow, someway we we’re able to overcome those obstacles with contamination effects, or antidotes. Either way a scientific solution was present at the time of resolvement. However, the diseases of today like Cancer or HIV that haven't been cured but have antidotes/procedures to subside there effects *partially* have been in effect since the diseases were first recognized. Most of those virus’s that weaken the immune system making you more sustainable to the disease. In contrast, it leaves you to acknowledge what scientific experiments can be done in order to find a right pathogen to subside the long term illnesses. Is there a such thing as back immuning a virus such as flu like symptoms? Could there be a virus for a virus? Scientific research could be endless in this field of study.

Fresh Water
Since population is at an all time high, and no such thing as pure food; the only thing left to question is if our water is also pure. A lot of experiments have been made that have documented the purity of our waters cycle after its ran through sanitation tests. However, most water isn't very sanitary at all; it actually contains certain amounts of radiation. Hypothetically, our water system is also the same one that is connected through our water waste; yet everything is supposed to be clinically sanitized. Running certain water through certain stages more than once might duplicate for cleaner water as opposed to concluding a whole new solution for it. Many aspects to cleaner water can circum to scientifical solutions amongst machine diagnostics to better identify the impurities in the product. Maybe once the impurities are detected more experiments can be done to ensure quality in fresh water. Without fresh water our bodies become sustainable to radiation and specific toxins; so when we have natural purified water our bodies will feel some sort of shock, along with difference and taste.

2.) The description of acid/base reaction will be that of baking soda not making the cake rise. Anyway, baking powder is typically a mixture known as acetic acid along with baking soda. However, when water is additionally added to the element, the acid and bicarbonate combine amongst one another to make a salt like carbonic acid. This acid then decomposes to water and becomes a carbon dioxide gas. This is the gas that will ultimately make the cake rise. In conclusion, the baking sodas reaction it that the acid gives acidic properties. Making a reaction of (H+) ion reacts with the bicarbonate that gives the properties to form (H2CO3). (C02 strikes water (HH) makes carbonic acid (HCH), which then acid (H) ions break away.

H C H = (H+H=HH) (C=Ca2+=Ca2+c) (H+H=HH)
Carbonate ion (CO3) attached to Ca2 to make calcium carbonate. (H2CO3)

3.) I would say the difference is the inorganic molecules are specific substances that don't have carbon-hydrogen (C)-(H) bonds that are generally not found in living things (such as metals/salts). As opposed to organic molecules; these substances usually contain carbon hydrogen bonds (living things) such as nucleic acids and certain lipids. In addition, carbon molecules have to contain certain compounds, as opposed to inorganic doesn't contain nor required to have any.

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