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B3 Revision Check List


Submitted By damdamdami
Words 703
Pages 3
B3 Biology checklist

| | |What You Need To Know |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |
| |D/C |Explain different types of behaviour: innate, courtship, habituation, imprinting and conditioning. | | | |
| |B/A |Describe the work of different ethnologists helps to explain different types of behaviour. | | | |
| |D/C |Explain that animals have different mating strategies that may (or may not) include parental care. | | | |
| | |Describe the cost and benefits to parental care. | | | |
| |B/A |Explain a range of mating strategies. | | | |
| | |Explain parental care as an evolutionary strategy. | | | |
| |D/C |Explain how animals use sound to communicate. | | | |
| | |Explain how plants communicate with each other using chemicals. | | | |
| |B/A |Explain how animals use sound as well as pheromones to communicate. | | | |
| | |Understand how plants and animals have co-evolved. | | | |
| |D/C |Describe and explain the fossil evidence for human evolution.

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