Premium Essay



Submitted By tamannahayder
Words 300
Pages 2
In junior school, mom said blow the candle and make a wish baby….we made a wish…in high school a friend said, blow an eyelid and make a wish my friend…We made a wish….in university elders said, work hard and wish for a bright future…we made a wish. In middle age a partner said, save your money and do whatever you wish… we made a wish…in old age everyone said start praying and wish for a peaceful death... and we made a wish…when death comes there was nobody to say make a wish…still we made a wish…

Well, throughout our whole life we keep on wishing…keep on answering what or who we want to be. But many of us die without knowing who we really are. I think wish generates from that point of view because wishes are nothing but us, our life. You don’t have to be in a rush to choose our life’s work. What you need to do is discover what you like in other word what you really wish. Its not so important what your wish is as long as you are not wasting your time. Because at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter what people will say about your wish whether it is good or bad…practical or immature….whether it will provide you enough money or not. It really doesn’t matter because working on things that interest you and increase options will make you satisfied and your life complete. And if you can acquire perfection your wish will be automatically fulfilled. It will bring you fame, money whatever you want just name it.

So, make a wish. Make it happen…your wish will define who you really

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