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Ana al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizie Ana al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizieAna al malik w ana baulak anu enta lazem et telhaz dizie.

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Research Proposal

...1. Companies Listed on KSE SYMBOL COMPANY 1 AABS AL-Abbas Sugur 2 AACIL Al-Abbas CementXR 3 AASM AL-Abid Silk 4 AASML Al-Asif Sugar 5 AATM Ali Asghar 6 ABL Allied Bank Limited 7 ABLTFC Allied Bank (TFC) 8 ABOT Abbott (Lab) 9 ABSON Abson Ind. 10 ACBL Askari Bank 11 ACBL-MAR ACBL-MAR 12 ACCM Accord Tex. 13 ACPL Attock Cement 14 ADAMS Adam SugarXD 15 ADMM Artistic Denim 16 ADOS Ados Pakistan 17 ADPP Adil Polyprop. 18 ADTM Adil Text. 19 AGIC Ask.Gen.Insurance 20 AGIL Agriautos Ind. 21 AGTL AL-Ghazi 22 AHL Arif Habib Limited 23 AHSL Arif Habib Sec. 24 AHSM Ahmed Spining 25 AHTM Ahmed Hassan 26 AIBL Asset Inv.Bank 27 AICL Adamjee Ins. 28 AJTM Al-Jadeed Tex 29 AKDCL AKD Capital Ltd 30 AKDITF AKD Index 31 AKGL AL-Khair Gadoon 32 ALFT Alif Tex. 33 ALICO American Life 34 ALNRS AL-Noor SugerXD 35 ALQT AL-Qadir Tex 36 ALTN Altern Energy 37 ALWIN Allwin Engin. 38 AMAT Amazai Tex. 39 AMFL Amin Fabrics 40 AMMF AL-Meezan Mutual 41 AMSL AL-Mal Sec. 42 AMZV AMZ Ventures 43 ANL Azgard Nine 44 ANLCPS Azg Con.P.8.95 Perc.XD 45 ANLNCPS AzgN.ConP.8.95 Perc.XD 46 ANLPS Azgard (Pref)XD 47 ANLTFC Azgard Nine(TFC) 48 ANNT Annoor Tex. 49 ANSS Ansari Sugar 50 APL Attock Petroleum 51 APOT Apollo Tex. 52 APXM Apex Fabrics 53 AQTM Al-Qaim Tex. 54 ARM Allied Rental Mod. 55 ARPAK Arpak Int. ...

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Apa Apa Je

...1.0 Introduction We would like to express our gratitude to our lecturer for Business research method, for giving us the opportunity to conduct the research. We also like to thank our course leader that, in the first place, giving us this useful assignment, that, in the end of the day, will be proven use to us all. The research that we picked for this assignment is “Reason for Being Loyal to Laptop” The phenomenon that we have identified is brand loyalty toward laptop. The rationale of choosing this phenomenon is because we had realize that nowadays there are many people that using laptop for many reason which could be for work, for school, for art, for contract, or anything that was more widely used this laptop in their daily life. This phenomenon slowly emerged on 1979 when on that time actually the using of laptop was not widely used by people. Most of the people that use laptop on that time were employer or people with high salary whom afford to but laptop. But on today, most of people in one family had one laptop. Due to laptop was more affordable today; more people were getting opportunity to buy their own laptop. 1.1 Background of Research In this subtopic, it can be narrow down the research about the tendency of loyalty people to used laptop in their daily life. First of all, more people choose to use laptop rather than using computer. It is because, after appearance of laptop, people more interested to use laptop because in era globalization the technology...

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...A BRIEF COMPUTER HISTORY The computer as we know it today had its beginning with a 19th century English mathematics professor name Charles Babbage. He designed the Analytical Engine and it was this design that the basic framework of the computers of today are based on. Generally speaking, computers can be classified into three generations. Each generation lasted for a certain period of time,and each gave us either a new and improved computer or an improvement to the existing computer. First generation: 1937 – 1946 - In 1937 the first electronic digital computer was built by Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. It was called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC). In 1943 an electronic computer name the Colossus was built for the military. Other developments continued until in 1946 the first general– purpose digital computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) was built. It is said that this computer weighed 30 tons, and had 18,000 vacuum tubes which was used for processing. When this computer was turned on for the first time lights dim in sections of Philadelphia. Computers of this generation could only perform single task, and they had no operating system. Second generation: 1947 – 1962 - This generation of computers used transistors instead of vacuum tubes which were more reliable. In 1951 the first computer for commercial use was introduced to the public; the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC 1). In 1953 the International Business Machine (IBM)...

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Irvine Welsh "Trainspotting"

...Irvine Welsh Trainspotting IRVINE WELSH works, rests and raves in Edinburgh. He has had a variety of occupations too numerous and too tedious to recount. Trainspotting was his first novel and he has also published a collection of short stories, a novella entitled The Acid House and a second novel, Marabou Stork Nightmares. IRVINE WELSH TRAINSPOTTING Minerva Thanks to the following: Lesley Bryce, David Crystal, Margaret Fulton–Cook, janice Galloway, Dave Harrold, Duncan McLean, Kenny McMillan, Sandy Macnair, David Millar, Robin Robertson, Julie Smith, Angela Sullivan, Dave Todd, Hamish Whyte, Kevin Williamson. Versions of the following stories have appeared in other publications: 'The First Day Of The Edinburgh Festival' in Scream If You Want To Go Faster: New Writing Scotland 9 (ASLS), 'Traditional Sunday Breakfast'in DOG (Dec, 1991), 'It Goes Without Saying' in West Coast Magazine No. 11, 'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station' in A Parcel of Rogues (Clocktower Press), 'Grieving and Mourning In Port Sunshine' in Rebel Inc No. 1 and 'Her Man, The Elusive Mr Hunt' and 'Winter In West Granton' in Past Tense (Clocktower Press). The second part of 'Memories of Matty' also appeared in the aforementioned Clocktower Press publication as 'After The Burning'. Contents KICKING – – * THE SKAG BOYS, JEAN–CLAUDE VAN DAMME AND MOTHER SUPERIOR; JUNK DILEMMAS NO. 63; THE FIRST DAY OF THE EDINBURGH FESTIVAL; IN OVERDRIVE; GROWING UP IN PUBLIC; VICTORY ON NEW YEAR'S DAY; IT GOES WITHOUT...

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