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Behaviorism and Its Effect on the Understand of Leaning


Submitted By dotmolencupp
Words 786
Pages 4

This paper summarize behaviorism and how it has affected the understanding of learning. It includes a brief history of the founding of behaviorism. The main component of behaviorism learn theory are explored. Pavlov, Watson and Skinners experiments are briefly discussed as well as how behaviorism develops new behaviors. Behaviorism and Its Effect on the Understand of Leaning
Behaviorism has many definitions but all have one thing in common, human behavior and actions. Behaviors and actions, not thoughts or emotions are what should be studied. Behaviorists believe that all behavior is learned. Behaviorists believe that all behavior can be unlearned and therefore replaced by corrected behaviors. A main idea to the behaviorist theory of learning is a reward for the correct behavior. The desired response must be rewarded in order for learning to take place.
Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) was the first behaviorist. Ivan Pavlov was studying how digestion works in mammals. He observed data about dogs and their digestive. He was studying what triggers dogs to salivate. The people who fed the dogs in the study wore lab coats. Pavlov noticed that the dogs would drool when they saw lab coats, even when they were not being fed. Classical conditioning was born from this observation.
After Pavlov, the two crucial theorist were John B. Watson (1878-1958) and B. F. Skinner (1904-1990). Watson was influenced by Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning and believed that conclusions about human development could only be made from directly observable overt behavior. In his stimulus-response model, specific stimuli evoked observable responses in human behavior.
Watson's proposition in his keynote article in the 1913 Psychological Review that psychology must be viewed as a purely objective, experimental branch of natural science with the theoretical goal of

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