Premium Essay

Being Good


Submitted By ian15
Words 467
Pages 2
“Being good person is like being a goal keeper: no matter how many goals you save, some people will remember only the one that they missed”
Human being must obtain different goals in life. You must to be chosen in being good, perfect and excellent. Three characteristics that consists various meanings. It is a leveled characteristic from high to the highest. Being good is the ability to show that he must know to do something. It is he has the ability to open himself in every new opportunity. His willingness to learn and grow in his own way. It is indeed that openness is necessity due to the rapid change of technology. For Socrates, being good is enough though you have the ability to get more ideas out of your head into action. An exemption for this is human being is free to ask helps from others. It doesn’t mean that asking for help is a sign of weakness rather it helps to save time and lead to better end result.
Good is differing from being perfect and being good done ashamed to commit mistakes. Though, you do so many things right you cannot move forward without looking back. There will always be good in the world if you decided to do right. Committing mistakes is pathway leading you to be perfect.
“Being perfect doesn’t mean everything is perfect, it means that you decided to look beyond those imperfections”
It is hard to act that you’re perfect. “Nobody is perfect”, that is how this quotation explains everything. Man is born to be real not to be perfect. Yet, no man is prove to be perfect. Being perfect means you know everything. You did not commit mistakes or never fail to do something. You’re always in right way and never experience downs in life. Perfect is flawless. It is when human being is entirely no faults or defect. A saint to be praise that all characteristics you admire is within himself.
Though, the true meaning of being perfect is that

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