Premium Essay



Submitted By aidanatalia
Words 6955
Pages 28
Nowadays, brands are taking over the world we are living in, where the process that makes a product known by the consumers is very important.
Depending on how the company presents the product to the public, the product can be perceived in a positive manner (which may include from the purchase of his to loyalty to it) or in a negative way (rejection ).
Previous studies show that brands that are "imprinted" in consumers’ life are trying to create their own identity by calling on emotional and sentimental side, outlining, and thus people like a certain personality. The belief that a strong brand is based on whole creative process - aiming near as possible to the consumer by building their own personalities is the idea of beginning this work. It aims tracking how a successful brand creates its personality through the public, and the perception of consumers about this.
The analysis will focus on the Bergenbier brand and will be following firstly, the brand features prints and promotion through TV spots, and secondly how consumers perceive the brand. Last phase of the study is consumer profiling Bergenbier brand. Research methods used were document analysis and sociological inquiry (main methods) and telephone survey and focus group (secondary methods).
Research questions
The role descriptive study aimed at identifying brand characteristics Bregenbier as they appear promoted by certain media tools, namely TV spots and prints. Regarding the role of exploratory work aims perception of brand identification Bregenbier Ploiesti young consumers, as well as consumer profiling. Research questions which we want to find the answer in making research are as follows:
1. What are the characteristics of the brand Ploiesti, Bregenbier, evidenced through prints and TV spots?
2. What is the perception of young people in the brand Ploiesti Ploiesti-Napoca, Bregenbier?
3. What is

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