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Bio-Psychosocial Assessment Paper

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Introduction The bio-psychosocial assessment is an important document that develops a plan of action for all the work that follow in the clinical setting. Curtis and Christian (2012) mentions when assessments are conducted effectively, clients gain a better understanding of how they can play a role in their treatment process. Debb and Blitz (2010) noted that to aid patients in positive outcomes, clinicians must formulate a clear conceptualization of how a protracted medical condition affects the life course of their patient. The clinician or behavioral health care providers form a structured framework to identify symptoms of a medical or mental health condition through their assessments. Further, in the bio-psychosocial assessments dimensions …show more content…
Moreover, the dimensions measure their well-being in the biological, biographical, and environmental. The first dimension focuses on the personal aspect of the consumer’s issue(s). Curtis and Christian (2012) discuss that Behavioral health providers should think in a systematic way. Moreover, rule out all possibilities a medical condition first before diagnosing a consumer with a mental disorder. Continuing a systematic thought process during the bio-psychosocial assessment biographical information of consumer’s experience with relationships in their environment. Understanding the biographical history of a consumer can aid the behavioral health provider to identifying possible influences of medical or mental health issues. Curtis and Christian (2012) note that during the discussion of this dimension consumer’s early and late child, family members, and experiences in school and at home are included. The third dimension focus on the consumer’s environment. It is important to become aware of possible public health risk that my be in the consumers environment. According to Curtis and Christian, Environmental considerations include determining whether there are toxins in patients’ communities that could be contributing to their symptoms” (2012, p.38). To become aware of these possible concerns in the environment a behavioral health provider can inform the proper professional of the issue in the …show more content…
Further, gathering rapport from a consumer one would want to ask well-constructed question that cover each dimension. During the process of the assessment I would ask the consumer identifying information about their name, age, material status, and if they have any spouses. Curtis and Christian mentions questions like, “What methods have you tried to alleviate the issue or problem, and for how long did you try?” (2012, p.41). This will give the consumer time to inform me if they have been trying to address their problem on their own. In addition, “On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 indicating no problem and 10 being terrible), how would you rate the way this issue is affecting you today?” (p.41). This question will provide evidence of times the consumers is not experiencing the concern and how severe the concerns is to the consumer. There are a variety of questions that could influence be exploratory in nature that can have aid in the treatment

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