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Blood Done Sign My Name Summary

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Pressured to adopt views similar to his southern counterparts, Timothy Tyson, author of Blood Done Sign My Name: A True Story, experienced a multitude of views addressing the treatment of, and integration of African Americans into everyday society. Growing up in the south during the Civil Rights Movement, Tyson learned firsthand how deeply rooted hatred was in his community, and almost embraced this feeling had it not been for his father, a radical Methodist preacher. Wanting his children to stray away from racist and supremacist views, Tyson’s father took them to a KKK rally to teach them what “true hatred” looked like, prompting Tyson to adopt a neutral view on race related issues (Tyson). By remaining un-biased in his recollection of the events following the murder of an African America in his hometown, Tyson shows in his memoire the “color line” that plagued his community, and the individuals that hoped to maintain or destroy that line. Set in the 1970’s during his childhood, Tyson’s memoire follows the events leading up to the assault and murder of Henry Marrow, as well as the civil unrest that ensued following the acquittal of his murderers. With racial tensions already …show more content…
Stretches of the book seemed to focus solely on backstory, filling the pages of Tyson’s memoire with unnecessary information that did little to progress his point, that being to inform readers of the events that transpired in Oxford. Even though Tyson’s memoir is unique by being told from a new perspective, it doesn’t offer any new insight into the Civil Rights Movement; making it an unnecessary work to read on the topic it covers. Had Tyson decided to cover the more political aspects behind the events in Oxford, his memoire would have been much more interesting and

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