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Submitted By fssandra
Words 349
Pages 2
Name Short Films TED Talks Presentation I (Culture Shock) Presentation II Presentation III
Giovianno 80 80 75 70 60
Agnes Mariana L 85 80 76,5 80 90
Linda Sutjipto 85 85 81 70 85
Riska Dwi Lestari 85 85 75 75 80
Kelvin C. H. 80 85 80 75 65
Utari Puspitaningrum 85 85 77,5 75 90
Robertus Ivan Handoko 85 80 77,5 70 80
Agnes Angelina 85 85 75 80 100
Andhika Putra 85 85 69 60 60
Evelyn Winarto 85 85 85 85 100
Catherina Evt. 80 85 77,5 72 90
Julyanawaty 80 85 77,5 75 90
Tika W. 80 80 70 70 65
Chynthia Christy 80 85 70 65 80
Erika Augustina S. 80 80 70 75 95
Bima Haning Wijaya 80 80 70 70 60
Nathanael 80 85 85 70 90
Kho Raynanda P. J. 85 85 79 75 75
Muhammad Resya Aulia 85 80 72,5 65 85
Eric Evan 80 80 80 70 90
Lungardi S. Wibowo 80 80 80 75 80
Brahma K. 80 80 76,5 60 90
Hendrawan 85 85 79 70 60
Ivan Sutanto 85 85 75 75 90
Gamaliel Widya Susanto 80 80 70 70 60
Satria Jayadi 85 80 75 75 95
Celine Christina 85 85 76,5 75 75
Lidia Chyntia Dewi 85 85 75 75 80
Ricardo Tanama 80 85 86,5 85 100
Tesalonica Bethlia 85 85 76,5 70 65
Clara Alverina 80 80 75,5 75 90
Giovanno Josaphat 85 80 81,5 75 80
Joceline Debora 80 80 76,5 70 80
I. Raymond L. 80 70 60 60
Eric Soejatno 80 85 78 75 100
Noel S. 85 80 78 75 80
Louis Setya 80 80 75 70 80
Adrian T. Sukendy 85 80 79 70 80
Michelle Angela 80 85 79 72 85
Brenda Margaretha 80 85 75 75 80
Maria Meizhel 85 85 76,5 70 80
Josephine 85 85 78 75 85
Gunawan 75
Juventia 80 100
Dwiky 72 70 65
Wenzellaus Charlean 75 70 80
William Felix 76,5 70 80

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French Speaking

...was twelve and nine years Onelia. My father does not live with us. my parents are divorced. my dog ​​is called azor. azor three years. it is black and white. He loves playing in the park. my best friend is annie. it is London. she was fifteen. she loves to listen to rock music, dancing and playing tennis, and you? what do you like to do? to go to school, I wear blue jeans and a brown jacket. I love fashion. My favorite colors are yellow and purple. I also love sports. I go swimming and horse riding. it's great. I often watch television judo with my dad but I hate football. And you, do you play sports? I play the aussie guitar and piano. I do not like the violin. I love classical music and rock music. as annie! Do you love music? Bonjour, je m’appelle ahsan. Je suis né à Londres, mais maintenant j'habite à Birmingham avec ma famille. J'ai 18 ans et ma première année à l'Université d'Aston. Je vis avec ma mère, père, sœur et frère. J'aime jouer différents sports et de participer à différentes activités. Mes intérêts sont: le badminton, le travail à la gym, de la mode et les voyages. Mon père avait l'habitude d'être un travailleur social, mais maintenant il est un promoteur immobilier. Nous visitons régulièrement à Dubaï et il est l'un de nos endroits préférés. J'aime la danse et la musique indie. Hello, I am ahsan. I was born in London but now I live in Birmingham with my family. I am 18 years old and in my first year at Aston University. I live with my mother, father...

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Trails of Heroic Fate of Beowulf

...Trails of heroic fate of Beowulf Introduction The narrative of epic poem Beowulf consists of three episodes in which the hero is engaged in the peculiar mission of fighting with three fabulous monsters (Fisher 1958, p.173). The first monster Grendel is quickly defeated; the second, Grendel’s dam is depicted with greater elaboration but also ends in demise at the hands of Beowulf; and the eventual dragon, distanced from the previous two in a span of fifty years, brings the heroic career of aging Beowulf to an end. The unity of Beowulf’s three fights from ease to death, perceived by some researchers like Klaeber (1950), holds the epic together. Others see the epic poem more than a collection of three different fights in a hero’s life, but it is united and intertwined by two parts—the fights with Grendel and his dam and the final dragon fight—signaling “the opposition of hero and king, youth and age, the beginning and ending of a life achievement” (Tolkien 1936). On the basis of this premise, Fisher (1958) conceives the theme of the epic as the “doom of Beowulf”, the integration of “redemption and judgment treated in a way which skillfully blends the Germanic hero with the Christian saint” (p.171). Wrenn (1958) states the similar notion, arguing Beowulf, a Germanic hero, shows his greatest splendor “ not alone in winning glory by victory, but rather by finding his supremely noble qualities especially in the moment of death in battle”. The essay aims to analyze the three fights...

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Romanticism vs Realism

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French 1 Script

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...Case Study Analysis : SaSa Presented By : Aashik Francis(01) Anand Chaturvedi(09) Anshul Jain(15) Aysha Hazel(30) Delshya Selvaraj(45) Hareesh Gundeeti(55) Introduction Situation Analysis   Sa Sa Cosmetics is a very successful Hong Kong based discount cosmetics retailers. The case describes how Sa Sa became successful, culminating in its IPO in 1997. Since then, however, its fortunes have declined somewhat. Most big companies have faced a crisis period after 10-20 years of their induction. We believe that Sa Sa Cosmetics is passing through a similar phase as these big companies. They lost their core competency in discounted retail stores as many new competitors came up with similar models looking at Sa Sa's success in this field. The case discusses recent initiatives that were undertaken to sustain growth momentum. Sa Sa also undertook some marketing research studies. The research findings appear to confirm that Sa Sa may have some major problems. As 2001 comes to a close, Sa Sa contemplates what else can be done to improve profitability and keep on growing. History Sa Sa cosmetics started on April 1st, 1978 in Hong Kong by husband and wife team Simon and Eleanor Kwok, as a simple cosmetic retailer.  Soon they realized that discounted store concept had greater possibilities in cosmetic segment and started selling products at a lower margin than its competitors. The company was able to give big discounts to customers...

Words: 2616 - Pages: 11