Brain trauma can result in a catastrophic injury. About 21% of traumatic injuries to the brain are the result of sports injuries. There are more than 775,000 children/teens treated for sports related injuries. In 2011, there was 36,925 hospital visits just from cheerleading injuries, 5.5% of these were from concussions. Cheerleading is eighth most dangerous sport in America, which is above football! From 1982-20All star cheerleading is when cheer teams compete against each other. A typical cheer routine is a two minute and thirty second routine that consists of stunts, jumps, tumbling, and dance. Cheerleading has been called the world’s most dangerous sport. Most injuries that occur in sports are from cheerleading. Head injuries account…show more content… A concussion is a complex pathophysiological process that affects the brain. This can be caused by impact to the head or you could get hit in another body part and jarr the brain. The human head contains the brain and the skull, totalling at 10-11 pounds. The brain is surrounded by spinal fluid that absorbs impact. When a concussion occurs, the connections between neutron, are shifted, temporarily or permanently. After an athlete has a concussion they have a greater chance to receive a second one. Females are more likely to get a concussion than men, and take longer to heal. Athletes can suffer from a concussion without losing consciousness. Signs of a concussion are, headache, nausea, dizziness, balance issues, blurred vision, ling and noise sensitivity, sluggishness, and concentration problems. A skull fracture is another type of head injury to the brain. When a skull fracture occurs, a piece of bone could break off and cut into the…show more content… The impact on the head can be lessened by increasing the shock-absorbing capacity of the surface. Athletes should never practice on hard surfaces, a smooth, dry, level, and level surface is the safest place. Grass is not a safe place for stunting! Studies show that grass is not any safer than a typical gymnasium wood floor. Spring floor and a foam mat on a hard floor are surfaces that cheerleaders can fall on and not get seriously injured. Although spring floor is the safest option, they still have some dangers. Spring floors have more “give” than hard mats, this could cause stunts to be unstable, and fall. Spring floors also make you tumble higher and faster, this may cause you to land with more force than you were prepared for and land awkwardly and hurt