Premium Essay

Brand Extension


Submitted By DayanaTK
Words 4535
Pages 19
Perception of Fit

1. Level of awareness of the brand 2. Rank of the bra nd in its product category 3. Similarity of the extension to the parent brand 4. Reputation of the firm Brand Associations

1. Quality of the brand 2. Attitude towards the brand 3. Satisfaction from the brand 4. Rate of return from the brand 5. Usage level of the brand 6. Level of stock of the brand. Brand Attributes

1. Packing of the brand 2. Pricing of the brand 3. Advertising of the brand 4. P romotional measures of the brand Attitude towards extension category Attitude towards the
Brand Extension Product Fit Brand Fit Brand Pers onality Perception of Fit

1. Level of awareness of the brand 2. Rank of the bra nd in its product category 3. Similarity of the extension to the parent brand 4. Reputation of the firm Brand Associations

1. Quality of the brand 2. Attitude towards the brand 3. Satisfaction from the brand 4. Rate of return from the brand 5. Usage level of the brand 6. Level of stock of the brand. Brand Attributes

1. Packing of the brand 2. Pricing of the brand 3. Advertising of the brand 4. P romotional measures of the brand Attitude towards extension category Attitude towards the
Brand Extension Product Fit Brand Fit Brand Pers onality Brand extension horizontal extension line extension category extension vertical extension up scale down scale Brand extension horizontal extension line extension category extension vertical extension

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Brand Extension

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