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Bsb113 Economics


Submitted By carsonly
Words 1491
Pages 6
Research Summary

Research Summary

Tutor: Thamarasi Kularatne
Tutor: Thamarasi Kularatne
Student Number: N9138587
Student Number: N9138587
Carson Ly
Carson Ly
Due Date: September 26 2014 ndjdcjjdjdj2012012222014
Due Date: September 26 2014 ndjdcjjdjdj2012012222014

Smoking is recognised as the largest single preventable cause of death and disease in Australia. It is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, renal disease and eye disease. Tobacco contains the powerfully addictive stimulant nicotine, which can make smoking a regular and long-term habit that is not easy to quit (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2014). Statistics show that there is a tobacco-related death about every 28 minutes in Australia, adding up to more than 50 deaths each day (Australian Government, 2012). While death is the major issue of smoking, there are also other issues, such as; the economic cost of smoking and also the rate of smoking.
Research shows that the average price for cigarettes in February 2000, was $10.23 and in February 2012 the price had risen by 126%, therefore the average price being $23.10 (Scollo & Winstanley, 2012). The price of cigarettes is one of three major economic costs, the other factors proven to be an economic risk are healthcare and lost earnings due to premature death. Australian people are spending money on a product that does not benefit them in any way possible, but also causing harm to their own health. Smoking can cause all sorts of sickness which most likely will lead to death. Studies show that not only are smokers losing money by purchasing the product, but also if they were to become sick, there are other costs that come into reality, such as medical funds and also the cost of not being able to earn money due to not be able to work.

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