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Business Communication Trends


Submitted By Yenyen01
Words 358
Pages 2
Business Communications Trends

Business communication is not limited to speaking on the phone and negotiating a contract. It is also the communication of writing and use of electronic equipment and mobile machinery, and interpretation of data. Most important is the written and verbal communication of business that makes a business function. Interpersonal skills need to be applied in writing and speaking to communicate effectively with other individuals or machines. I think the most important current trends of business communication is electronic communication such as e-mail and instant messaging. E-mail communication is effective and cost saving for companies. Long distance tolls from telephone rates are not a savings to any company. E-mail cost can be almost obsolete to companies. Telephone conversations can lead from one conversation to another. An e-mail can be effective because it can be straight to the point. A tone of conversation can be set through writing. Daily activities are more easily managed by writing an e-mail. Sometimes a conversation can lead people to misunderstand a concept through conversations. With an e-mail it is place in writing and steps are more effective. One trend in business communications is attaching documents to e-mails. Documents do not need to be printed faxed or mailed. Through e-mail an attachment is easy to publish and deliver almost instantly.

In the business that my profession currently takes place is an insurance brokerage. It is easy to produce or scan documents to send them instantly. Most of our clients have adapted to receiving e-mail correspondence versus mailing documents. Many insurance companies accept electronic correspondence. Documents are no longer overnighted, they are sent instantly. The sender of regular mail correspondence is not aware if the recipient received mail. Only purchasing certified

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