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Business Computing Computer Hardware and Computer Software


Submitted By socoche
Words 4963
Pages 20

By Declan Brady Date: 05/02/2013 Tutor: Val Coakley Table of Contents

Introduction 3 Methodology 4 History of Computers 5 Computer Hardware and Computer Software 9 The Four Main Components of Computer Systems 10 Types of Computer Systems 12 Examples of Computer Input Devices 14 Examples of Computer Output Devices 15 Printers 17 Equipment of the Modern Office 19 Storage Devices 21 Computer Networks – LAN and WAN 22
Systems Software and Application Software……………………………………………24 Conclusion 24 Bibliography 25

This project is been carried out for the Business Computing module for the Computer and Network Technician FETAC Level 5 Certificate course. In completing this project I hope to acquire a greater understanding of computers and the technology that is commonly used with them in the modern workplace. The carrying out of this project itself will also hopefully leave me better equipped with the skills to carry out projects in the workplace if I am required to do so in the future.
For this project I will use the internet to research for the information that this report requires. Once I feel confident I have enough sources for the topics that need to be covered I will start choosing relevant information from these websites and use them in my report where needed. If needed the information taken from websites will be rephrased so that the content is fully relevant to the project. For this report I will use various Internet search engines to find my information. For browsing websites I will use Google Chrome and its syncing bookmarks feature. For typing up the report I will use Microsoft Word. For any image editing I will use Adobe Photoshop CS 6. By the end of this report I hope to have a greater knowledge of how to use Internet search engines for carrying out research. I also hope

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