Premium Essay

Business Morality


Submitted By BellaMicci1510
Words 3142
Pages 13
Hi Michele,
Thank you for submitting the report on Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political, and Social Philosophy. I can see you have a personal philosophy expressing good ideas on the six fields of philosophy.
When I reviewed the Unit 2 IP submission, I noted there was information that directly matched the content in several websites, word for word. (Identified on the Turnitin Report) at 17%. This is an instructional note Michele to let you know the issues with paraphrasing or using complete sentences without directly quoting and citing. When you paraphrase or borrow direct sentences, the information is written without your voice, words, phrases, or ideas. When paraphrasing a sentence citation and quotes are required. It is generally accepted that using three or more of the author’s original words is a direct lift and requires quotation marks or indentation. Changing one or a few words in a paragraph does not constitute paraphrasing the material. It is necessary to quote phrases or words identical to the authors, or it will change its meaning. However, direct quotes, not proper names or titles, should be limited. At least 85% of your paper should be in your own words, (not copied) and include a citation. When copying or borrowing other people's work, it is difficult to gauge your understanding of the material, because writing information verbatim does not show me that you read the material, thought about, perhaps analyzed it, broke it down into smaller pieces, and understood it enough to tell me in your own words the meaning and explanation of the topic or question in great detail. Please make sure that you are also identifying where the information originated from by using in-text citation (parenthetical citation) and a reference list. You did have a citation after one of the ‘borrowed’ quotes; however, this too

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