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Business of Communication and Critical Thinking


Submitted By toshibaw3
Words 574
Pages 3
Toshiba White
August 30, 2013
Demonstrative Communication Paper
Business of Communication and Critical Thinking
Prof. Joel Maier

Communicating is something we do every day, it is a big part of our personal and professional lives. Being able to communicate effectively is a form of growth. Communication is something we do to pass on information from one person to another person. This information can be passed on via verbal, written as well as body language. Communication is a very important thing, without communication you cant have any type of relationship whether personal or professional. When communicating, there is a sender and a receiver. The sender needs to make sure the information is being delivered in a way that the sender understands everything. If the sender isn’t clear with the information they send then the receiver can do the wrong thing, gather the wrong information or pass on the wrong information. There are four types of communication verbal (spoken), non verbal, written and visual communication. Verbal communication is using words face to face, or over the phone, or hearing it over the radio or television. Non verbal communication involves body language, facial expressions, or sign language. Written communication is passing on messages via email, an old fashioned letter in the mail, a chat on facebook or email and text messages. Visual communication is seeing things on the television, or even using the computer camera to skype which would also consist of verbal communication. Demonstrative communication is a type of communication that sees non verbal cues like tone of voice, facial expressions and body language. I think when speaking with someone face to face it is very important to pay close attention to the demonstrative communication they are giving off. By watching people facial expressions and body language it will let you know

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