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Submitted By laughdeng
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Pages 2
|携手推动中澳经贸合作再上新台阶 |Promote advancement of Australia-China Economic and Trade |
|在中澳经贸合作论坛午餐会上的主旨演讲 |Cooperation hand in hand |
|(2010年6月21日,堪培拉) |At lunch meeting of Australia-China Economic and Trade |
| |Cooperation Forum |
|中华人民共和国副主席 习近平 | |
|(本文有删节) |Speech |
| | |
| |(Canberra, 21 June 2010) |
| | |
|尊敬的克林贸易部长、史密斯外长,女士们,先生们,朋友们: |Address by H.E. Xi Jinping |
|我很高兴在访问澳大利亚期间出席中澳经贸合作论坛,同各位企业家朋 |Vice president of the people's republic of China |
|友见面。在这里,我要向长期以来为促进中澳友好合作、增进两国人民 | |
|友谊作出积极贡献的中澳企业家和各界朋友,表示诚挚的问候和良好的 |Minister Simon Crean, minister Stephen Smith, ladies and |
|祝愿! |gentlemen, dear friends: |
| |It is a great pleasure for me to be present at the |
| |Australia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum and meet |
| |many of our entrepreneur friends during my visit in Australia. |
| |Today, I would like to extend our sincere greetings and best |
| |wishes to Australian entrepreneurs, Chinese entrepreneurs and |
| |all friends, whom in a long time make active contributions to |
| |advance Australia-China friendship and cooperation as well as |
| |facilitating the friendship between our nationals. |
| | |
| |Chinese and Australian have been friendly exchange for long |
|中澳两国人民友好交往由来已久。建交38年来,在两国政府和人民共同 |history. With the join efforts of the Governments and peoples |
|努力下,中澳关系保持良好发展势头。 |of the two countries, China and Australia relations have been |
|两国高层往来密切,政治互信不断增强。双方在能源资源、农牧业、科 |maintained good momentum of development over past 38 years. |
|技、制造业以及服务业等经济领域的互利合作成果丰硕,在文化、教育 |These two countries have close high-level exchanges, |
|、旅游等人文领域的交流合作丰富多彩,两国人民的相互了解和友谊与 |Continuously increased political trust with each other. A |
|日俱增。我们对中澳关系全方位健康稳定发展感到满意。我此次访问澳 |mutual beneficial cooperation in two countries in the field of |
|大利亚,就是要通过同澳大利亚政府和各界朋友的沟通和交流,加深两 |energy resources, agriculture and animal husbandry,science and|
|国人民友好情谊,巩固提升中澳友好合作,携手推进中澳经贸合作再上 |technology, manufacturing and services industry, as well as the|
|新台阶,进一步造福两国人民。 |diversity exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, |
| |tourism and cultural fields. We are satisfied with the stable |
| |relationship and development between China and Australia. I do |
| |hope can deepen the Friendship and cooperation to both |
| |countries by doing this visit. China and Australia can join |
| |hands, works together to further advance our trade cooperation |
| |to a new level, we will bring more benefits to our two |
| |countries, two peoples. |
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| | |
| |Ladies and gentlemen! |
| |It is very beneficial to cooperate with each other for China |
| |and Australia since they are located in the north and south |
| |hemisphere with the economic complementarity could be satisfied|
| |perfectly by the different and abundant nature resources. |
| |Australia is the biggest source of imports of iron ore, |
|女士们、先生们! |alumina, coal and liquefied natural gas of China at present, |
| |the forth biggest source of imports of copper ore, in the mean |
|中国和澳大利亚地处南北两个半球,自然禀赋不同,经济互补性很强, |time, Australia supplies the largest amount of barley, wool, |
|开展互利合作具有十分有利的条件。 |live cattle to China while China is the biggest trade partner, |
|目前澳大利亚是中国铁矿石、氧化铝、煤炭和液化天然气最大的进口来 |exports market and the source of imports of Australia. At the |
|源地,第四大铜矿石进口来源地,同时也是对中国大麦、羊毛、活牛的 |same time, China is the biggest supplier of textile, clothing, |
|最大供应国。中国则是澳大利亚第一大贸易伙伴、第一大出口市场、第 |shoes, computers, office equipment, electrical appliances, |
|一大进口来源地,同时也是澳大利亚纺织品、服装、鞋、计算机、办公 |furniture, luggage and toys of Australia. |
|设备、家电、家具、箱包、玩具等产品的最大供应国。 | |
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...Creating Data Sets 1. You have a text file called scores.txt containing information on gender (M or F) and four test scores (English, history, math, and science). Each data value is separated from the others by one or more blanks. a. Write a DATA step to read in these values. Choose your own variable names. Be sure that the value for Gender is stored in 1 byte and that the four test scores are numeric. b. Include an assignment statement computing the average of the four test scores. c. Write the appropriate PROC PRINT statements to list the contents of this data set. 2. You are given a CSV file called political.csv containing state, political party, and age. a. Write a SAS program to create a temporary SAS data set called Vote. Use the variable names State, Party, and Age. Age should be stored as a numeric variable; State and Party should be stored as character variables. b. Include a procedure to list the observations in this data set. c. Include a procedure to compute frequencies for Party. 3. You are given a text file where dollar signs were used as delimiters. To indicate missing values, two dollars signs were entered. Values in this file represent last name, employee number, and annual salary. d. Using this data file as input, create a temporary SAS data set called Company with the variables LastName (character), EmpNo (character), and Salary (numeric). e. Write the appropriate PROC PRINT statements to...

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