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Can Men and Women Ever Be Equal


Submitted By MirandaShahoud
Words 376
Pages 2
Can men and women ever be equal?

Equality in its literal meaning doesn’t exist on earth “I think”; equality is relative as per Einstein “theory of relativity”.

Literal equality means cloning unless it is purely coincidence that is rarely and randomly happens, so does equality between men and women; the concept varies from place to another and even between different cultures and civilizations.

Historically, civilizations started with Matriarchal System that “early man did not know the link between sex and birth. Therefore, it was believed that new life was created by the woman, the mother alone” (Charles Finch in the book Echoes of the Old Darkland) then according to Friedrich Engels: societies transited from matriarchy to patriarchy when societies developed from a hunting society to an agricultural society when man realized the role of males from the concept of sprouting seeds, consequently private property was introduced.
In other words, the journey of equality between males and females over the history is exactly like pendulum theory of Galileo Galilei in terms of its motions between the two extremes from matriarchy to patriarchy systems and going through equality point.

Gender equality varies also between cultures in the same period of time , could it be religion, region, continent, race, society or country, whereas we see in a country like Saudi Arabia, or continent such as Africa and Asia, or a religion such as Islam extreme violations of women’s rights in terms of political rights, economic participation, education, and human rights, we see maximum equality in Scandinavian Countries according to the “Global Gender Gap Report 2013” as they are ranked the top four overall, and Sweden ranked number four.

Nowadays we cannot talk about gender equality without mentioning transgender equality, as they have rights of equality too, and this topic is

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