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Candide Thesis Essay


Submitted By sep1eters3
Words 391
Pages 2
In the novel, Candide, the author, Voltaire, creates an interesting main character. The main character, also named Candide, is a very complex individual. He is both lucky and unlucky, a philosopher and a naïve man. Exploring the attributes and adventures of this interesting character is quite the story. At times Candide can be difficult to relate to. At some points in this novel he is just too naïve for anyone to relate to. “One fine spring morning he took it into his head to take a walk…he had not gone above two leagues when he was overtaken by four other heroes, six feet high, who bound him neck and heels and carried him to the dungeon.” (Voltaire, 15) Here Candide is being held against his will and forced to fight for an army, and he decides to just up and leave to take a walk. Anyone with common sense would realize that they would appear to the army as a deserter and would be punished severely, as Candide was. In this instance it is hard to relate to the main character. Candide goes through a variety of bad situations and comes out more or less alright most of the time, only to be thrust into a new, bad situation. This double sides luck shows its face when Candide is kicked out of the castle, and roams the streets begging. He later learns he is lucky to have made it out because the castle was attacked and almost all were killed or raped. He is lucky to have made it out of situation one, but making it out of situation one puts him into situation two, which is usually just as bad if not, worse. In this novel Candide is both lucky, and unlucky, a rare concept. Candide’s naivety and good, bad luck makes the reader sympathetic to his cause. The poor guy just wants to live his life, but his “unlucky luck” keeps him from a simple, happy life. His naivety serves to make the reader feel bad for just how plain dumb he can be at times. This gap in knowledge of his

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