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Carbon, Phosphorus and Nitrogen Cycles


Submitted By mhaywood2
Words 691
Pages 3
Humans are undoubtedly one of the largest consumers on the planet and without a doubt use and effect a greater portion of the world’s supply of natural resources than any other species. Most likely it is because of the large size of the species, or perhaps it is the result of over-consumption. There are three biogeochemical cycles that humans effect daily: The Carbon Cycle, The Phosphorus Cycle as well as the Nitrogen Cycle. As learned by the Law of Conservation of Matter, atoms simply cannot be destroyed or created, instead they recycle themselves, so these cycles indicate how the unique variations of atoms are converted and used by consumption. Carbon is found in the World’s atmosphere, as well as released from the burning of fossil fuels or just breathed out of many species’ mouth, including humans. In this cycle you may choose to begin using the large amounts of carbon that may be in the atmosphere and which is then pulled in from plant life and developed into organic matter (oxygen) that can help animals breathing. In eating the plant, the animal then picks up the transformed atom and in turn, transforms it back into carbon when they breathe. In death their bodies are eaten by scavengers that will release the carbon back into the air or perhaps stay deposited in the earth, which could then turn into coal or another fossil fuel which have been burned, releasing the carbon back into the air to complete its cycle. Humans are cutting down forests for an ever-growing population which is decreasing the amount of CO2 transferred to oxygen, decreasing our air quality. To make situations worse , over ingestion of fossil fuels are allowing a considerable amount of carbon into the atmosphere causes a shortage of a natural protector from the sun , the ozone layer . Phosphorus is an essential mineral nutrient necessary in all ecosystems; this is used as fertilizer to

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